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"Kiddo? Oh, dear." Virgil glanced up to see Patton standing there with a water bottle and he smile.

"What are you doing here?" Patton frowned as he sat down beside him as Virgil just stared off at everything.

"My boyfriend volunteers here most days. He's not today but he still likes to come in and make sure everything's going ok." Virgil nodded as Patton's eyes darted to the sleeping boy beside him. "Roman?"

"His dad brought me here." Patton's frown only grew as Virgil just stared at nothing. "He was adamant that I come here."

"And can see why. What happened kiddo?"

"Nothing." Patton shot him a glare making Virgil laugh. "Seriously it's nothing."

"Not nothing." Virgil froze up as Roman shift slightly before letting out a soft breath as if falling back to sleep.

"Shh. Roman." Virgil laughed as he rolled his eyes. "Some assholes just got it in there head that I did something I didn't... and sought out revenge." 

"Kiddo!" Virgil jumped as Patton took his hand clearly worried for the other. "What happened? Who was it? Are you ok? You're here so..."

"I'm fine. I told you, Roman wanted me to come. It was really early this morning and I don't know who they were, just that they're our school. Roman managed to scare them off." Patton frowned as he glanced over at the sleeping boy with concern. 

"You're lucky he was there, Virgil. Derek and his group were admitted into the hospital just yesterday and they aren't doing so well." Virgil crashed as Patton looked away. "Apparently someone had beaten them all up really badly. Derek especially got the brunt of it. He's been in a coma for at least the day. Ally didn't hurt at all but she's to scared to talk. They had to send her to a psych ward. I don't know what I would've done if something like that happened to you."

"Nothing like that will ever happen to him." The two jumped at the sudden sound of Roman's voice as the kid slowly sat himself up and frowned. "Hello, Patton. It's nice to see you again. I take it you took my advice." Roman smiled over at Virgil who huffed in playful annoyance.

"Yep. I spoke to him before going home yesterday. How are you, Roman? I hope we didn't wake you up."

"Nah." Roman stretched as he laughed lightly and waved the other off. "I don't sleep." Patton's face fell as Virgil tensed slightly. "I was just relaxing. I might have dozed off but if I did it wasn't for long. I'm ok. My concern is for Virgil." 

"Virgil?" The boys all looked up to see Thomas standing there and Virgil nodded as he got up to follow. Roman just frowned as Thomas shook his head clearly telling the demon he couldn't come with. "Do you want me in there with you or..."

"I've got it. You should stay with Roman." Thomas nodded as he took Virgil's seat and watched the younger walk off. Roman shot him a look making him laugh as he rolled his eyes. 

"You can't go with him, Roman. You aren't family."

"You asked if you could." 

"I'm the adult that signed him in. Legally though, he's 18. He an adult himself." Roman frowned as he hugged himself slightly. "You're worried about it."

"It's my job to be." Roman whispered carefully not to let Patton hear him who was just sitting there in silence. "Hey, Thomas. I've been meaning to ask... why did you change your name?"

"You mean why am I not 'Thomas Black'?" Roman nodded making Thomas laugh as he just shrugged. "I'm not a... you know. I didn't want to be seen as a Black. I didn't want the drama the name brought... and I definitely didn't want that for my kids."

"But Remus still became one." Thomas paled as he nodded slowly. "And he's a pretty unique one to... if it wasn't for the fact that he's always trying to kill me, I would almost find him intriguing."

"Who's trying to kill you?" Roman laughed as Patton frowned over at him in concern.

"My 'brother'." Patton frowned more as Roman just waved him off. "It's nothing. We just don't get along. He's probably at home right now tearing though all my stuff just to spite me."

"I'd say no but... yeah. Yeah, he is." Roman laughed as Thomas rolled his eyes. "That means when we get home we're going to have to..."

"Check for sigils?" Roman nodded as sighed. "Yeah, I've been doing that since he showed up."

"You guys are weird." Patton giggled as he shook his head. "I have no clue what you're talking about."

"Good, because if you knew, I'd have to kill you." Patton burst out laughing as Roman winked over at him. Thomas, of course, didn't know it was a joke and he ended up choking on air. "Relax, Thombone. It's a joke."

"Yeah... right." Roman rolled his eyes as he leaned back against the chair and closed his eyes. "Ro?"

"What?" Thomas bit his lip as Roman grumbled softly.

"You didn't..."

"If you're asking if I beat the crap out of Virgil's assaulters, no." Thomas frowned as Roman relaxed into the chair. "I just scared them off. Virgil was there and aware, my focus was on him."

"Like I told him, it's a good thing you were there, kiddo." Roman frowned with awkward tension as Patton kicked his feet softly with a smile. "It could have been much worse. Thank you."

"It's nothing, Pat. Really." Roman smiled softly as he felt the black start to pull him under. "It's Virgil... I'd do... do anything... to..."

"Roman?" Patton glanced over to see Roman asleep and he smiled. "Guess he fell asleep this time." Thomas nodded as Patton stood up and stretched. "Well, I should go. Logan's probably done by now. Here..." Patton ran grabbing a pen and paper before writing his number down and handing it to Thomas. "Make sure those two get it? I want to be kept informed on Virgil. Plus... friends should have each others number."

"Sure, Patton. I'll let them both have it."

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