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"Are you sure about this, Roman?" Remus asked one last time as he started setting up his gear. Roman sat there grinning as he watched Remus carefully start pulling out bottles of ink. "Ro?"

"Yes, Remus. I'm sure." Roman took his shirt off and Remus paled in shock over the tribal-like tattoo already on Roman's arm. "What?"

"When the fuck did you get that?" Roman frowned as he glanced at his highly faded ink on his arm and he sighed. "Dude, that's sick!"

"I got it a little bit after I got this body." Remus quirked a brow as Roman tapped his fingers on the table. "The kid who made the deal mentioned the night prior how if he could he would have gotten ink done. Back then there wasn't any uh..." Roman gestured to the machine and ink before laughing. "That's why it's really faded but... I just had to. It was something he was so passionate over."

"You got a tattoo in honor of the kid who's body you possessed?" Roman frowned as he nodded, a look of confusion filling his eyes as Remus just sat there stunned. "Why?"

"I don't know. I just... at the time I felt like I had to. It's something he wanted before he died. Now it kinda looks like shit though."

"I could touch it up for you." Remus called quickly as he started to fill these little cups with black ink. Roman's eyes went wide as they shined in awe. "I mean you already have the tattoo there. I'd just be going over it to bring it back. And if you want I could lace the sigil over it all with red to blend it all into one tattoo."

"Yes!" Roman giggled slightly as he bounced in his chair pushing it closer to the table. "I don't know what you just said but it sounded perfect and now I want it."

"I really don't understand you at all." Remus teased as he moved so he could sit right beside Roman's arm. He spritzed it with a water bottle making Roman giggle again at the chill and tickle. He whipped it down, cleaning it, before drying it off and rubbing a speed stick deodorant over a spot center of the tribal tattoo.

"Why deodorant?" Remus rolled his eyes with a smirk as he grabbed the tracing paper and pressed the sigil design onto the spot he had just made on Roman's arm. "Remus? Why did you..."

"It transfers the pen over onto the arm better." Roman's mouth opened a bit as he just smiled in awe. "Ok, I'm gonna do some touch-ups around before I go in with the red. You ready?" Remus gently dipped the pen tip into the black ink as Roman's eyes shinned with anticipation. He pressed his foot against the peddle making Roman jump a bit with a laugh. The last time he got a tattoo they just pierced him repeatedly with a pointed bone-like needle. "Roman, are you ready?"


"Ok then... don't move and try not to twitch." Remus mumbled quietly before beginning to drag the pen over the already tattooed skin. Roman's eyes flashed a bright red in response to the slight pain. He was a demon it barely affected him at all but his magic still responded to it as if it was a threat. Even still he watched Remus work as he made slow circular movement, wiping the skin down frequently as he went. Roman was enthralled.

Time went on and Remus pulled away to spray the water over everything, having already started working on the sigil now enough to not worry about wiping the stencil off. Roman's eyes lit up happily seeing how everything was coming along. He could already feel that... The only way he could really describe it would be as if someone put him in this heavy-duty tub of this think obelisk. He could move but the second he'd leave it solidified and kept him grounded to his seat.

"You ok?" Roman nodded as he let the other work not wanting to interrupt or cause a problem. Remus was making it look like the tribal tattoo melted into this pitch-black where the sigil was. He had this glow around the sigil making it pop against the ink-black background with cracks of lava and light spilling through to add detail and dimension. He even made it look like there were these hands coming out of the black as if to grab the sigil. Roman was completely amazed. The second he heard the door creak open, Roman's eyes darted up to see Virgil standing there with a curious look in his eyes.

"How's it going... oh shit." Virgil laughed as he walked closer and just looked everything over. "That's fucking cool as shit, Remus."

"Thanks." Remus whispered as he dipped the pen into the ink again and whipped the excess and blood off Roman's arm. "What are you up to?"

"Nothing. I got bored." Virgil sighed as he nabbed one of Remus's sigil books and collapsed into the big chair he had pressed against the wall. "I thought I would join the party, you know?"

"You ever think of getting a tattoo?" Remus asked as he shot the emo a silly look. Virgil just shrugged before nodding a bit and just started flipping through all the sigils. 

"A few times. I could never really commit to anything, you know. Too anxious about it all." Virgil laughed before finding himself staring at this one sigil. "Why are you asking?"

"I just figured you know... I have all my stuff out. AND I'm almost done with Roman's..." Virgil's eyes went wide as he smiled a bit at the thought. 

"You sure you'd be up for it? You've been working on his for literally hours now." Remus just rolled his eyes as he focused on shading and the final touches. 

"Knowing you, since it would be your first one... It'll be something small and easily hidden."

"How do you know?" Virgil teased before glancing at the book again. It was this really cool looking Pentagram like sigil with runes inside it. It looks really sweet but... Being that it was a sigil Virgil was concerned over its effects. "Hey, Remus?"

"Yea?" Remus stepped back finally finished as he went and grabbed the spray bottle one last time. 

"What's this?" The second Virgil turned the book around Roman choked and started coughing, getting all flushed as the other just stopped and stared at him highly confused. "Ro?" 

"Here let me see." Remus quickly grabbed the book, not having actually seen it before Roman's outburst, only to pale in understanding. "Oh, fuck... uh... Right." Remus laughed as he gave the demon an almost apologetic look before giving the book back to Virgil. "That's a... A personal sigil, Virgil. Given BY demons."

"Oh? Roman, then will you tell me what it is?" Roman whined a bit as he just shook his head, his face getting even redder. "Why are you blushing? Can someone explain this to me? I feel like a virgin not knowing that they were asking about a blowjob."

"You might as well be, Virgil..."

"Remus, shut up!" Roman snapped lightly with another whine before clearing his throat and trying to breathe. "It's not like that."

"It's exactly like that." Roman groaned as Remus gave him this very evil smirk. "You want to know what that sigil is Virgil."

"Uh, yeah... that's the whole point of me asking."

"It's the mark a demon will give the person they deem to be their bitch." Virgil's face fell as Remus laughed noticing right away how Roman hid his face in his hands. "Basically that sigil means you belong to a demon body and soul. You're their property."

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