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"YES!" Roman yelled as he bounded into the kitchen stealing a piece of bacon off the plate before giggling, surprising Thomas who had decided to cook this time around. "God, I love bacon." Roman quickly rushed to the fridge pulling out the juice before grabbing a cup to use, all while Thomas shot Remus a look who just frowned. 

"Roman... you're up?" Roman giggled as he nodded and carefully poured the juice. Thomas frowned in confusion as he just watched his son move about.

"Yeah, I woke up a little bit ago." Roman muttered as he tried to down his cup of juice before even putting the rest away. "Virgil was sleeping so I didn't want to bother him."

"How-..." Thomas hesitated as Roman started to fill the cup again, concern clear in his eyes over it all. "How are you feeling?"

"Honestly?" Roman smiled a bit as he just stared at his juice with a sigh. "Starving... still. Thirsty..." Roman gestured with his juice before finally putting the rest of it back in the fridge and sitting at the small table with a shrug. "Other than that I... I actually feel... good."

"Well, that's good right?" Thomas was trying. Roman could see that, but he could also see how the human was highly concerned over him.

"Well..." Roman's small smile started to slip as he glanced down at his hand in thought. "I uh..." Roman had tried to use his magic earlier. He thought if he just teleported out of the room then he wouldn't wake Virgil up but... He couldn't. No matter how many times he tried he couldn't teleport. At first, he thought it must have been all the runes the twins had put up on the house but Roman realized quickly they were all gone. Every single one. There was no reason as to why his teleportation was suppressed. So he tried something else... anything else, just going down the list of his powers, and yet... nothing worked. He just had no access to his demonic powers.

"Roman?" Remus spotted the change in the other as he sat down beside Roman, who just shook himself out of his thoughts and started to smile. "You sure you're feeling ok?"

"I feel great. I don't remember a time I've felt so... good before." Roman smiled despite the anxiety burning through him. "I wish I knew just what exactly Alda did but... I feel great."

"Well, I'm glad." Thomas lulled as he walked over with a full plate of breakfast. "Here you go, kiddo."

"Thank god." Roman growled as he grabbed the fork and instantly started to dig in completely oblivious to the looks both Remus and Thomas were giving him. "This is good, Thomas."

"Really? Because I suck at cooking." Roman laughed as he shook his head and just continued to eat.

"I mean it. It's really good." Roman basically scarfed down the food before stopping with a sheepish smile. "I'm sorry." Roman choked a bit as he tried to muffle the small burp he made. "I'm just... I'm really hungry."

"Well, your bodies probably just trying to replenish all the energy it lost in that spell." Remus whispered as Roman just shrugged.

"Probably." The air went silent a bit before Roman just groaned and glanced over at the hunter. "Did Virgil talk to you about the hovering thing?" Remus paled as he suddenly coughed making Roman's eyes narrow in understanding. "He did. Which means he brought up the hunger too. Do you have any ACTUAL ideas as to what's going on or are you JUST trying to keep me from panicking?" Remus's face fell instant as Roman just glared at him. 

"Hey, Ro?" Remus hesitated slightly making his voice shake as Roman just raise an eyebrow at him. "Your contract with Virgil... is it still there?"

"Of course it-..." Roman froze up, his eyes slowly dulling, as Remus sighed. "I don't feel it. Why don't I feel it?"

"So your contract isn't there?"

"No, I'm still bound to him. It's hard to explain." Roman just stared off at nothing as he tried to focus in on just what he was feeling. "The mate bond aside, I can still feel that link between him and me. Like... a thin and frayed piece of string tied to both our wrists. No matter how thin and frail it is, I can still feel it wrapped around my skin but..." Roman winced as his hand went to his hair, his body literally trembling under the pressure suddenly sparking in him.

"Ro-..." Roman grunted in pain, as he forced himself to open his eyes again making Remus freeze up the second their eyes met. Roman's eyes were a bright glimmering white, a stark difference from how they were before. "Roman?" Roman shook his head as he squeezed his eyes shut again, just trying to breathe. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know. I just... I feel... like I'm vibrating?" Roman laughed through the tension as he forced himself to collapse his hands together and calm down. "To much going on... a sudden surge. I uh... I need to go." 

"Wait what?" Remus jumped up the second Roman started to leave noticing how off-balance the other was. "Where are you going?"

"Just out there. Trust me. I'm not going far." Roman smiled softly as he rolled his eyes, just letting Remus lead him off. "You didn't have to help me. 

"Shut up and just tell me where you want to go."

"The living room, please." Roman whispered as he turned to just focusing on his breathing. "Mama and I... when I was little would just sit there on her bed breathing. She said it helped to focus all the energy in you." 

"Meditation?" Roman nodded as Remus helped him to sit on the floor, watching as the other crossed his legs and just took a deep breath. "I didn't know you did that."

"I hadn't since Mama. I never had the time." Remus sat down across from the other putting himself in position as well only to laugh seeing Roman's confused look.

"I figured we could do it together." Roman's eyes sparkled as he nodded before closing them and letting himself melt into everything. 

Breath in...
Breath out...
And relax...

Seconds seemed to slow as the silence filled everything. Roman could literally feel that unfamiliar energy inside of him swirling about. He imagined it building around him. Remus sat there watching as Roman tuned everything else out. Yes, technically speaking, he wasn't meditating like Roman was but there was a reason. And of course, because he was watching closely, he noticed right away when the other started to levitate, just as he would have had he been sleeping. Remus's face fell as Thomas walked in and just froze up. Neither spoke, not wanting to disturb the other, who seemed to have relaxed far better than he had been for a very long time. 

Roman's breathing was slow and deep as that energy in him just continued to build. He didn't even think twice about it all when the flashes finally came back. He just stayed there focusing on it as he let the images wash over him. He let them move at their own pace only directing them about to let his mind finally focus on them all. As they went Roman found the images and flashes steadily building until it looked as if his mind was a movie reel. His face lit up as at the sight of the two before him, the mental projections of Fiona and Ash. He could see their concern in their eyes as they clearly tried to tell him something. Roman couldn't hear them and soon enough the image started to change, yet he could feel this crawl down his spine... and he just knew. 

"Ro-..." Remus started the second he noticed the shifting of the shadows being the other only to freeze up as Roman opened his eyes. Brilliant glowing white eyes popped brightly against Roman's tan skin as the shadows moved just right to show large towering wings against the wall behind him, making Remus's eyes widen in complete shock. "Roman?" Roman slowly dropped back to the ground as he laughed and ran his hand through his hair.

"Something's coming." Roman's voice was like a song, soft and melodic, as if a whisper of the literal wind itself, and all Remus could do was listen as his mind desperately tried to latch on to what he had seen. "Something very bad is coming. That's why I've been so... out of it. Fiona... Ash... they're trying to warn us."

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