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"Everything is looking ok. Just make sure to take it easy for a while. I recommend having a friend stay over just to help you with things. Ok?" Virgil sighed as he nodded making the doctor smile. "Welp, here are your discharge slips. Your prescriptions... and tips to help with that recovery. If you do have someone stay to help make sure they read them to so they know."

"Thank you, doctor." Virgil smiled sheepishly as he slowly made his way out into the lobby only to frown. Thomas wasn't there but Roman was. He was leaned over a chair asleep but it didn't look restful at all. "Oh, boy. Roman?" The other boy's face scrunched up as he fussed a bit in the chair. Virgil's eyes darted around noticing Thomas over by a water dispenser. "Roman?" The boy groaned in his sleep as he visibly tensed up. Virgil frowned as he gently got to his knees and brushed his hair back. "Roman, wake up."

"No, I... I didn't... I..." Virgil's eyes darkened as Roman choked out his words before jumping up with a start. He growled in annoyance as he hid his face in his hands, shaking badly as he tried to calm his breathing.

"Roman..." Virgil hesitated as Roman held a single finger up resting it against his head as he took a deep breath and sighed. Roman smiled as he let his hands fall, not entirely aware of how teary his green eyes were as he looked over at Virgil.

"Hey, Virgil." The younger simply frowned as Roman glanced around in confusion. "What are you doing on the floor?"

"You were having a nightmare." Roman's eyes went wide as he frowned and nodded in understanding. 

"I guess I was. Didn't think I fell asleep, to be honest. How did it go with the doctor?" Virgil just shot him this look made him tense again in confusion. "What?"

"We are not about to change the subject. Are you ok, Roman?" Roman's eyes darkened as Virgil's frown only grew. "Nightmares aren't fun."

"I'm fine." Virgil was quick to take his hands making Roman jump a bit startled over the look in Virgil's eyes. 

"Roman." Roman tensed completely taken back by this sudden.... feeling? He didn't understand it. He knew he felt a bit anxious? Maybe? It was just... The way Virgil was looking at him made him want to apologize as if he had done something wrong and all he wanted to do was fix it... but he didn't understand. He didn't think he didn't anything wrong. "You don't have to tell me but... don't lie to me." Roman's eyes shot wide as Virgil sighed and slowly let go, making this subtle crawl spark up Roman's skin. As if the act of Virgil letting go irritated him somehow. "Please, don't lie to me."

"I'm fi..." Roman sighed as he shook his head. "I don't know, Virgil. You'll... have to forgive my ignorance about things." Virgil frowned in confusion as Roman just stared off blankly. "I just don't know."

"That's ok... I guess. Just... Don't say your fine if your not." Their eyes met and Roman felt this... pull. His mind was spiraling. Sure Fiona had taught him about things like what happiness was or the definition of rage. But that didn't mean that Roman himself actually knew what they felt like. To be completely honest he didn't know what anything felt like. He knew he had emotions just not what each one was. He knew he got angry but in that moment of anger, he wouldn't be able to tell you what it was. Just... that he blood boiled. But this... this was hard to describe. He literally couldn't put it to words. All he knew was that for some reason all he wanted was to make Virgil smile. He didn't like that he had done something to make Virgil look so sad. "Don't lie to me, Roman."

"I..." Roman faltered as he cut himself off. Was he really about to say that he wouldn't? Was he truly about to promise not to when he had been lying from the start about who he was? What was this human doing to him? Even still... "I'll try."

"That's good enough I guess." Virgil smiled softly and Roman laughed silently in relief. He glanced around noticing Thomas was coming back and he shot the human a curious look. "What?"

"So? The doctor?" Virgil's eyes widened a bit as Roman smiled softly. "What did they say?"

"I'm all good." This time it was Roman who returned that look making Virgil cringe a bit with a laugh. "Really. I'm all good. Ok, not entirely. I have a lot of bruising... internally and otherwise. He said it wasn't really bad so there wasn't any need to be monitored but... He was still concerned since I uh... I live alone." Virgil had been expecting Roman to freak out or something but the other made no reaction. "Since I live alone he said um..." Roman egged him on with a look making Virgil tense up. "He said I'd probably need someone to stay with me or something. Since my body's pretty banged up and shit. It's not going to be easy for me but I'll be... What are you doing?" Roman stood up with a stretch as he started to pick up what he had around him. "Roman?"

"You said you need someone to watch over you right?" Virgil quickly shook his head as Roman just laughed. "Well, I'll do it. No, problem... Or better yet, You can just stay with us until you're all better."

"No. Roman, I'm not..." 

"What's going on here?" Roman smiled as Thomas finally walked over noticing Virgil was out of the office. "Virgil? Are you..."

"He said he's ok but the doctor said he needs someone to watch over him and help him because his body is too bruised and strained." Thomas paled as Roman shot him this... sinister smirk, Virgil finding the floor far too interesting at the moment to even notice. "He can stay with us, right? Until he's better?" Thomas's eyes widened at the way Roman's eyes went red. "That's not a problem is it?"

"O-Of course n-not." Roman beamed snapping back to his 'happy go lucky' smiling self as Thomas let out a soft breath of relief. "We have a spare room if..."

"Wait, Wait, WAIT!" Virgil yelled out as everything finally got to him. "I didn't agree to..." His eyes met with Roman's and everything crashed in him. He could see the concern clear as day and for some reason he couldn't make himself upset him. "Fine. But only until I'm better!" 

"YAY!" Roman giggled as he danced a bit giddily making Virgil roll his eyes. Thomas however watched as Roman jumped with excitement and... felt pride? He hadn't ever seen smile so brightly. Sure they hadn't known each other for long but Thomas still cared for him. Despite his age Roman was no different than the child he had for a body. And for that child to then cry in your arms terrified and confused over why he was so hurt and upset... Thomas was a father. It was hard not to latch on to that after that whole scene. "Virgil's gonna stay with us. What's that called? Shit, I should know this. Ah!" Roman laughed as he tried to think things over. Virgil's eyes narrowed in confusion until Roman finally snapped and giggled. "A SLEEPOVER! Right? Is that right? Thomas?"

"Yeah, I guess you could call it that!" Roman yelled happily as Virgil just stood there shocked. 

"My first sleepover!" Roman beamed as he finally calmed down and laughed Virgil just groaned as it finally hit him. 

"Shit." Virgil mumbled silently thinking no one heard him. "I just did it again didn't again. Stupidly accepting plans like..."

"Virgil?" Virgil froze up, eyes darting up to see Roman smiling at him. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah." Virgil sighed as he just nodded and stuffed his hands into his pockets. "Let's just get back to your place, please. Hospitals are creepy."

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