jealousy × chapter 45

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Lana POV

~1 week later~

My alarm went off. Fuck school. The day after the party , Matthew kept calling and textimg me but I ignored him. The day after he sent me flowers and chocolate covered strawberries, my weakness. Once I got them I called him and we both apologize to each other. I hate how he is so far, I feel like thats the whole reason why we fight. I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I plugged in my straightener and began to put my face on. I picked out my outfit blue jeans, white tank, green military jackect and black combat boots. After I got ready , I went downstairs to feed Taco she is still little but now she likes to play. I grabbed my brown school bag and walked outside Hayes and Nash were in the car their mom was dropping them off at school.  "Lana do you want a ride?" Nash yelled put the window and I nodded . I really didn't feel like walking. I ran to their car and I got in. "Hey look it hayes girlfriend." Skylynn laughed . "sky remember Lana is my friend and Kaitlyn is my girlfriend." Hayes told her. "But I don't like her." Skylynn said. "Me either." I whispered in her ear , which made her laugh."okay, have a good day kids."Elizabeth said, stopping the car. "Bye nashy." Sky said. "What about me?" Hayes laughed. "I like nash more ." she said and me and nash laughed.I grabbed my bag and got off the car. I walked into school and I started to walk towards my locker. But someone fell on me . "whoa watch out!" I snapped. "Haha sorry ." he laughed and his friends started laughing Hayes was with them. "Whatever." I said and I started to walk to my locker. I got to my locker and grabbed my book for science . the bell rang and I walked to my class. I sat in my seat and leslie and cat sat down too. "Hi bitches ." I laughed. more students started coming into the class room . Hayes ran into the room and held the door close, the person on the other side of the door was trying to get it open. The bell rung. Hayes sat in his seat and Luis pushed the door open. "Mr. Chirque late on the first day back that's not good." The teacher said. Luis glared at him and sat down.

*skips to lunch*

When math   ended me , luis , and Gustavo ran out the classroom . I think were racing to the cafeteria. I was all the way behind them and I got mad so I started running faster I caught up to luis and I pushed him into a locker. I stopped running because I was tired. Luis caught up to me. "Can I ask you something?" He said making me stop. "You just did." I laughed he rolled his eyes. "OK, what do you think Angel would like to do on Valentines day ?" He asked. "Nigga valentines day is like a month away." I laughed."But still I want it to be perfect." He said. "Um I don't know ask Justice." I laughed and he glared at me and walked away. He hates justice so much it gives me joy.

I walked into the cafeteria and sat at our table. Kaitlyn was all over Hayes it was gross. And she was looking at me while kissing him and I just waved. Angel and Justice came into the cafeteria and I looked at Luis and he was looking at them, glaring at Justice. They put their shit down and got up to get food and I got up too. I tried to join their combo but they were to into each other. Someone tapped me on the shoulder. It was the guy that fell on me in the morning."hi" he said. "Hi?" "I feel bad about earlier so I wanted to buy you lunch or dinner?" He said more as a question. "You can just buy me lunch right now ." I said.  "But how about maybe some other day I can buy you dinner." He said . I grabbed a water  with my plate full of food and he followed me. He paid. I sat down at our table and the boy sat down next to me . "I don't even know your name ." I told him. "My name is Connor , don't worry you'll be screaming it later." He smirked and I choked on my water.  I started laughing so hard and he laughed with me. "I'm Lana." I laughed, my face was so red from laughing."so about that dinner," he started saying but I cut him off. "I have a boyfriend ." I said. "Its just a dinner not a date." He said. "I don't know , it will just be weird and he probably wouldn't like that." I said taking a bite of my apple. "Just ask him ." he said pointing at Hayes, who was looking at us. "Oh no, he's not my boyfriend just my best friend ." I laughed. "My boyfriend lives in Virginia." I explained and he nodded.

"But its not a date." He argued. "It's just a friendly dinner." He explained. "It might be a friendly dinner to us but to other people  they will think that its a date." I explained. "You're so stubborn." He laughed and I laughed in agreement. "Yeah so I don't think that its a good idea." I said. "What if we go with like a group of friends?" He said. "Then I guess I would go." I said and he smiled. "Yeah we can all go ." hayes agreed and I laughed , nodding my head. "We can go on Friday night." He said. "We have practice tho." Hayes said. "After practice." Connor said. I nodded in agreement. "starting Friday you can buy your winter formal tickets. The dance will be here on the 25th of this month. In the gym. "  Kaitlyn announced on the microphone. "Are you gonna go?" Connor asked me. "I don't think so." I said. "Maybe your boyfriend could come down for the dance." He said. "I wouldn't want him to , airline tickets are really expensive." I explained. "Well if he doesn't come or you don't want to go alone. I'm available." He said and I chuckled. 

*Hayes POV*

I was listening to Lana and Connor's conversation. He was trying so hard . it was so funny. I decided to listen to Luis and Angel's convo. "Tame your titts." Angel told Luis. "No . I'm tired of worrying about you ." he snapped. "Then don't." She snapped and walked . He groaned. "What's going on with you and Angel?" I asked him. "I don't even know anymore." He said. "She is always with Justice and talking to him.  I think she's cheating on me. " he said, he looked so sad. "I don't think she would do that." I told him. "I fucking wish justice went back to where ever he came from." Luis said. I laughed.

~end of 8th period~

Hayes POV

Lana , Cat ,and I were walking to the front of the school to go home but there was a huge crowd of people. They were all surrounding something and recording. We pushed threw the crowd. It was Luis and Justice fighting.  Luis was punching justice and juctice punched back.  Lana threw her stuff on the ground and ran up to them.  "Lana come -!" I yelled . "Angel wouldn't want this ! So fucking stop!" She yelled in between them. I held luis back and Lana was pushing justice back. "Stay away from my girlfriend!" Luis yelled, I held him stronger. "She doesn't even Love you!" Justice yelled back. "Whats going on." Mr.dean our princple yelled. "Were just play fighting." Luis said, slowly wiping the blood off his nose. Justice nodded. "You boys in my office now. And I want every one to go home." He said , luis and justice followed him. "What did I miss?" Angel said walking up to us.  "A hell of a good fight." Land laughed. I laughed with her.

Sorry it took me forever to write I kinda had writers block. Please go read my new Jack Gilinsky Fan fiction.

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