chapter 22

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*Lana's POV*

Im packing for magcon and our flight leaves in about 3 hours ,so I'm kinda rushing. Its just going to be Nash, Hayes, and I going, Jessica couldn't come , cuz here dad flew her back to Cali. I packed a lot of random shit because I don't know the weather in Dallas.


"Nash I want the window sit!!" Hayes said to Nash. "No I got here first!" Nash said to hayes. "That's not fair ! I want the window sit!" Hayes argued. "Both of you shut the fuck" I yelled. I was really tired and didn't want to hear than yell in my ear since I'm sitting in the middle.

Once the plane was in the air the guys knocked out. I couldn't sleep so I downloaded vine and made an account. I asked the flight attendant for ice water. I drank all the water . I made a vine of me putting ice down Nash's shirt and he jumped up and hit his head on the ceiling .I was dying of laughter. I was laughing so hard I probably would have pissed my pants. When I looked on my phone I had like 10k followers because of nashty. Hayes woke up and I showed him the vine and we started laughing. Hayes wanted to make a vine with me so I told him to be corn-holio from beavis & butt-head, and run down the aisle yelling 'I AM THE GREAT CORN-HOLIO' . He did it and the flight attendants were yelling at him and escorted him back to the seat. And the lady told nash to watch your son.

~Dallas airport ~

After we got there , and saw a guy holding up a saw that said 'Magcon boys' . Next to him was this boy with blonde hair and  a taller boy with brown hair . "Jackkk! Jacckkkk!!" Nash said , giving the boys a big hug and hayes did the same. "Hi I'm Lana, nice to meet you" I said , putting my hand out ,but they pulled me into a hug. "Were huggers " blonde jack said and I laughed. "I'm Jack Gilinsky and he's Jack Johnson" Gilinsky said . "I'm just gonna go by last names" I said. They laughed. In the corner of my eye I saw Matt getting his bags.


Aww lana is about to get reunited with her boo . they haven't seen each other in two weeks , has anything changed? Oh and I have corn-holio as the pic

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