best I ever had x chapter 66

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Hayes POV

"Hayes come to the store with me." My dad said from the other side of my door. I looked at my phone and it was 7:17. I threw on a hoodie and my vans.

"So what are we getting?" I asked my dad. "Nothing." He said pulling into the Walgreen's parking lot. "Are you and Lana having sex?" He asked and I laughed. "Oh my god, no. Its to early for this. " "We don't do stuff like that ." I added. "The hickey on your next is saying something else ." he laughed. "Okay but we don't go farther than that ." I said. "I believe you Hayes, but you guys are young and dumb . I just do t want you guys to make a mistake." He told me. "Come on." He said getting out of the car.

I followed him to the family planning aisle. He handed me some condoms."no dad." I laughed. "Hayes I'm not incouraging this but in case its gonna happen I want you to be prepared ." He said. I sighed and grabbed them from him. "You can get a candy bar or something." He told me and I laughed.

I grabbed some shockers for me and hot cheetos for Lana. After we paid we went home. When we got home ii ran upstairs . I hid the condoms in my bag at the bottom.

I grabbed our snacks and I walked to Lana's room. I knocked , "come in." She said. I jumped on her bed and stared at her. "What are you doing?" I asked her. "I'm trying to figure out what to wear." She said, taking clothes out her bag. "I got you something." I told her, showing her the chips. She groaned, "thanks babe, but I thought I told you I'm on a diet." She said. "You don't need to lose weight." I groaned. It annoys me that she hates the way she looks , she hates looking different then all the other girls. But that how she caught my eye. "I have too." She said. "No you don't you're perfect just the way you are." I told her and she smiled. "Thanks but foreal I have to because of my quince , my mom bought the dress when I about to turn 13. I'm pretty sure I gained weight, I just want the dress to fit." She explained. "Fine." I said, opening the bag .

"wait how long have you been on this diet?" I asked her. "Like about like a week." She sayed. "Well if you ever want to go to the gym tell me, because my family has a membership." I told her and she nodded. "Okay which one do you like better?" She asked , holding up each outfit. "That one." I said.

"Okay same, I'm gonna shower." She said grabbing a towel. "Same." I said grabbing a towel . I followed her into the bathroom. "What are you doing?" She asked me. "I'm going to take a shower with you . " I said. "You know you're acting real bold now and days." She told me and I laughed. "I mean its not like we haven't seen each other both naked.". "Well yeah because we were like seven." She argued. "Fine." I said , walking out.

I waited until I heard the water go on. I went back in the bathroom . She was singing and I chuckled. I took my clothes off but I left my boxers on. I knew Lana would have been really uncomfortable, so I grabbed her bathing suit from her bag. I threw her bathing suit at her. "What are you doing?" She asked. "Just put it on." I told her .

"is it on?" I asked her and she said yes. I opened the shower curtain. I got in and she was so shocked . "I didn't think this would actually happen." She laughed. We switch sides so I can get under the shower head. Lana spit water on my face and she laughed. The next song on her phone played and it was the Jacks songs.

"Girl just stay." I sung getting closer to lana. "Yeah I'll be home before the sun is up and baby let me sum it up just like this." She sung and kissed her. "If from many different avenues , many different avenues , so all I'm asking you to do right now." She sung. "Sorry I have to sing in the shower." She laughed. I grabbed the shampoo and I put some in my hands. I put some in lanas hair and I massage her scalp. "Just to let you know I have lice." She said. I moved my hands away real fast. She started to laugh, "I'm just kidding.". "Oh you scared me." I laughed. The song ended and best I ever had by drake started to play.

"This song is my song for you when ever I hear it I instantly think of you." I told her. "Is it because I'm the best?" She said and I laughed. "But foreal you are my everything." I told her and she smiled and kissed me. We finished showering and I grabbed my towel and got out. She also got out. "Okay but now get out because you distract me." She told me ,pushing me towards the door. I went to my room to get ready .

After I finished , I went to Lana's room. She was doing her make up. "So who do you think is going to be your plus one to Magcon San Diego?" I asked her. "Honestly I don't know , I was going to do Angel but I don't know." She said. "Do you think if I choose Luis do you think that would be a problem?" I asked. "I don't think so , but you need to tell him to be nicer to me and Angel or I will have one of the guys kick his ass." She laughed . " okay." I told her.

She changed into her clothes and I smiled. "You look really pretty." I complimented her. "Thanks you too." I laughed . We went grabbed all of our belongings and went downstairs.

"You were so cute when you were little." Lana gooed over my baby picture. "I'm still cute so its all good. " I said and she laughed. "True ." she agreed.

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