chapter 12

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•chapter 12•

*Lana's POV*

He loves me . "why? " I ask, " Lana, you are my sunshine , when my skies are dark. Your the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Every flaw you have , just makes you more beautiful. And I can never get over your smile, i could talk about it all my life , and I still wouldn't be finished. Your the strongest person I have ever met, but I know underneath that smile, your broken. And Ill be the one that puts your heart back together. Lana will you be my girlfriend? Please." He said. I was in tears , and I couldn't stop crying. He is right I am broken, but I want him to be the one that fixes that.

But I just can't. He might love me , but I don't want him to deal with my mess. This is all just to much. I'm too damaged to be fixed. No one loves a girl who cuts , and I don't want anyone's sympathy.

"Lana I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked this is all to much for you. But one day I hope we could be together" he said walking over to Taylor.

I just sat down on the curb and just let all the tears fall from my eyes. Someone came and sat next to me and rubbed my back. "Lana I'm sorry that man hurt you, but don't worry he's gone" Hayes said. I turned to him and said " I feel like my whole world is falling on me , Hayes I'm just a bipolar bitchy mess." He just hugged me tight. "Let's go home" he said , standing up and expanding his hand out for me. We walked hand and hand to the van , I sat in the far back with him. The ride back was quiet and I fell asleep.

I woke up in my bed and hayes was laying on the ground. I got up and tried my best to carry hayes to my bed , but I'm weak AF.

"Lana , hayes come downstairs there's food" my mom yelled from downstairs. Hayes woke and ran out of my room to get food . fatass.

"I want pancakes" I said " oh sorry hayes ate the last one " my mom told me. I turned around and glared at him eating MY pancake. Shit is about to go down . "I hope you choke" I said still glaring at hayes . He started laughing and then he started choking.

"Calm down there is bagels over there" hayes told ,me pointing to the bag on the table. Bagels remind me of Matt , I got mad at myself and groaned louldly. "Are you on your period?" My mom said. I shook my head no. I'm such a fucking idiot, I shouldn't have been a bitch to matt.

"Lana do you wanna have a movie night at my house with the guys?" Hayes asked, with his mouth full of food. "Yeah sounds like fun" I said all depressed. I ate my bagel and went upstairs to fix my self.

I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I threw on some denim shorts and a tyedye supreme crop top. I put on my black vans and put my hair in a ponytail. For makeup I just put mascara and eos on.

*Hayes POV*

When we got to my house the guys were all smackcaming each other. Matt wasn't paying attention to the guys and was just staring at lana , the way they look at each other , Is the way I wish Lana would look at me. But I'm over her and in fact I have a DATE tonight so its all good.

I felt a hand hit my face , I turned around and Cameron smack camed me. Lana started laughing really hard so I took the shaving cream and I smacked her face with it. It was really funny. We both started laughing like crazy , "awww I so ship #layes " Luis said and Matt just glared at him and me. I mean I love lana , but as a friend . I think I said those things to her just because I almost lost her and my emotions were all over the place.

"Matt can we talk ?" Lana asked matt. She grabbed his hand and led him outside to the pool.

*matt's POV*

"Matt I'm so sorry about yesterday, it was just so overwhelming, and I didn't know what to think" she stated. "Lana I understand" . "matt I would love to be your girlfriend" she told me. I picked her up and spinned her around , when I put her down I gave her a kiss."let's go inside , girlfriend" I told her while grabbing her hand. "Ok ,boyfriend" she said walking inside the house. I love the way that sounds.

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