chapter 15

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*Lana's POV*

Its been two weeks since I've talk to hayes and the Ebola carrier (Jessica). But I've been hanging out with Matt every day. It sucks summer is going by so fast . I'm just like you need to calm the fuck down.

I have 5 more weeks till hell (school) starts. Tonight the squad is hanging out and By the squad I mean me , Matt, angel, luis . Angel and Luis are still friends with hayes and Ebola carrier. I'm fine with that but when we hang out they don't come, which is even better.

I attempted to curl  my hair but I messed up . I just put mascara and baby lips on. I then put on my black romper on and put a white daisy crown in my hair. With some sandals.

I started to walk to angels house ,but to walk to her house it takes like 15 minutes. I got tired and basically draggy my self to her house. I saw Matt's car past me so I took off my sandal and attempt to throw my sandal at his car to make him stop. But I threw it and missed  it was in the street so I was gonna hop to it but a garbage truck came and ran it over . "Matt" I screamed for him to stop he stopped and reversed . I got in his car and he asked me where my shoe was and I  told him what happened. He started laughing and parked the car because we were at Angel's casa. Matt opened the car door and gave me his shoes to wear since I had one shoe on.

We knocked on angels door , and Luis opened the door "haha wtf your shoes" he said laughing . "fuck you " I said flipping him off. Me and Luis have a weird friendship we are so mean to each other but are best friends. Angel some times gets mad bcuz  she thinks were being serious , which we are sometimes ." omg you guys are all ways mean to each other , you guys have to be nice to each other today and who ever says something mean first loses. Deal?" Angel told Luis and I. We both nodded, this bitch is going down. Matthew and Luis were playing FIFA while me and angel were in the kitchen eating Takis and scrolling threw Instagram. "Ahhh zac efron is sexy like my baaaginnnaa just burst" she whispered showing me the pic of zac efron shirtless. I went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water and poured it all crazy in my mouth " bruh the thirst is real" I said  . "why is the thirst real?" Matt said coming in the kitchen with Luis. "Umm cuz you guys are in here?" I said and angel started laughing " matt your girl ain't loyal" Luis said laughing . " I WIN MOTHER FUCKER !"  I yelled and started  twerking. Angel just shook her head laughing.

There was a knock on the door and angel went to  get it . Angel walked back into the kitchen with Hayes and Ebola carrier . " what are you doing here ?" Hayes and I asked each other. "Because angel invited me " we both said . iyyy angel. "You guys have to make up ." she told us.  Me and hayes gave each other I'm sorry looks. We were about to hug but Jessica said " Lana what the hell is wrong with your hair you look like a poodle " "shut up Jessica at least my hair is real." I said walking up to her . "bitch this is a 100

Percent authentic" she said pushing me back I pushed her back. We started throwing punches "WORLDSTAR ! WORLDSTAR!" Luis started yelling while recording he came in between us and Jessica accidentally pucnched Luis and he fell. Matt pulled me back and hayes did the same to Ebola carrier. "Lana if were gonna be friends you have to respect my girlfriend." Hayes told me . he's right I'm being a shitty friend "I'm sorry hayes , and I guess I'm sorry Jessica " I told them and Jessica just smirked. "Can we watch the movie now ?" Luis said while holding the ice pack on his cheek. We started laughing and went to the living room we watched the purge. I sat next to Matthew and we cuddle thru the movie. He kept scaring me and I kept getting scared. When the movie was over I gave matt his shoes back and hopped on hayes back. Matt unlocked the car and me and hayes got in. We got to hayes\my street  " alright bye , I love you . text me when you get to your house." I said giving matt a kiss. Me and hayes got out and were walking up his drive way. "Lana!" Matt yelled from  his car. I jogged over to him "yeah"  "Are you spending the night at Hayes house?" He asked me. "Yeah " "I don't like the idea of you spending the night  at his house" "why?" "Because teenage boy get horny what if he trys something " he said . I rolled my eyes and walked away into the house and I heard matt's car speed away. "Why is he mad ?"  Hayes asked "idk" I answered.

We went to his room and skylynn was there on his bed. "Hey lan lan" she told me  and I laughed  and said hi. "Let's make a fort " hayes said, Me and sky got all excited. Hayes got pillows and blankets he started making the fort while me and sky just watched. When he  finished we got in the fort and fell asleep.

Hey I'm sorry it takes me forever to update I'm gonna try to update every day this week . today is Sunday meaning school is tomorrow eww. I hope you had a fun Halloween . me and angel were trick or treating and I almost fell like 3 times . I wanna follow yall on Instagram comment ur instagram~

Ling ling

You guys should read my friends book its called my chance by obviously_its_cat . lmao I think but I'm in it u should read it. And my babe is in it (matt) its really cute and funny .   bruhh its really is good you'll like it . I honestly love  it oh and ,❤langel❤  is a good book it about Angel and Luis . and LATTHEW  like  LATTHEW IS LIFE I SHIP LARISA AND MATTHEW . I AM LARISA FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM AND ILL FOLLOW BACKK ☺☺☺☺ . BYYEEEEEEEEEE LOVE YALLLLL

Lmao I was excited.

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