break up ✖chapter 48

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Song for this chapter Lay me down by Sam smith
Lana's POV

My jaw fell to the floor when I heard what Nash said. Hayes looks shocked and confused. "I don't believe you." Hayes snapped. "Well believe it Hayes." Nash told him. Hayes started getting out of the hospital bed. I ran over to him and tried to calm him down. "Hayes , stop! Please just lay down." I told him. He looked at me , he was so hurt. "When did this happen nash?" I asked him. "At the new years party. And during the game today." He said. "Fuck you Nash ! I fucken hate you. Why are you even here? Leave! We're brothers how could you do this to me?" Hayes yelled. The adults came running in here. "What's going on?" Chad asked. "Tell them Nash! Tell them what you did to me!" Hayes yelled, pointing at Nash. Nash looked so disappointed , you can tell he felt bad. I honestly don't feel bad for Nash. "Um.." Nash began. "Fucking tell them Nash!" Hayes yelled. "Hayes." Elizabeth warned. "Me and Kaitlyn had sex twice ." Nash said, looking at the floor. Elizabeth and Nila gasped. "Did you guys use protection?" Nila asked. "Yes." "Hayes I'm sorry." Nash apologized. Hayes ignored him. "Can you just leave." He said. Nash looked at Elizabeth. "Okay let's go." Chad said looking at everyone. We started to walk out hayes room. "Wait. Lana can stay." Hayes said. "Is that okay with you lana?" Elizabeth asked me and I nodded and walked back to him. They left. Hayes started to cry. " I can't believe she did this to me." He said. I hugged him. "She doesn't deserve you hayes. She had something perfect and she choose to mess it up." I told him. "Should I break up with her?" He asked me. "If I were you , I would break up with her, if she loved you she wouldn't even thought about cheating. But if you feel like she loves you and she'll never do it again ,then stay with her." I told him honestly. "The doctor said that I'll be here til Tuesday and then I have a week off of school until I go back, so I have time to think." He told. "Just know what ever you choose I will respect that choice." I told him. "Thanks , lan. Can you turn off the lights I'm tired?" He asked me. I got up and turned off the lights. I layed down on the couch and grabbed the extra blanket and covered my self with it. There is a window by the couch and I was looking out it. "Lana," I turned my head to hayes , I couldn't see him because it was dark. But I could see the machines blinking. "Yeah?" "Thank you for being here, you're always here for me. I don't think you understand how much I love you. I love you so much lana." He told me. I smiled and blushed. I got a weird feeling in my stomach. "Lay down next to me." I slowly got up and walked to his bed. He scooted over and I layed down. "I love you too hayes." I told him. We always say I love you to each other. But this time it feels different. It feels more powerful and meaningful. My phone vibrated. I grabbed it from my back pocket.
Matthew❤:I heard about hayes is he okay?

"Who is it?" Hayes asked. "Matthew." I answered. "Bout time he talks to you. What does he want?" "Hes asking about you." "Tell him I died." He chuckled. "Hayes don't even play like that." I said hitting his hand.
Me:He's just has to relax and we'll see from there.

Matthew❤:oh. Well how are you I miss you.

Me: I'm fine imy2 ily

I really do miss him. He might now always be there but he is there when i need him the most . Hayes nurse came in. "Aw you guys are so cute " she cooed . we laughed. Matt started calling . I got up and walked into the bathroom that's in hayes room. I answered the call.

Hayes POV

"Did I scare your girlfriend away?" My nurse joked. "Oh she's not my girlfriend. She's Probably talking to her loser boyfriend." I told her."but you want to be her boyfriend right." She said , checking my blood pressure. "No she's my best friend."I chuckled. "Hun you don't have to lie. Its pretty obvious, I can tell you like her by the way you look at her." She told me. "I mean its kinda hard to not look at her like that. She's perfect."

Lana's POV
(L is lana M is matt)

L: hey babe

M: hey

L: I miss you

M:I miss you too

L: I love you

M: lana you're a great girl and I'm sure you'll make someone happy some day. I honestly do love you but as a friend now. Lana I'm falling out of love with you.

L: That's bullshit!

M: lana

L: how do you fall out of love that's bullshit. You're just saying this , you probably cheated on me and you don't want to feel bad. I am faithful to you and you do this.

M: you're crazy

L: no I'm smart cuz I know why you're actually breaking up with me.

M: okay lana I am cheating on you , is that what you want to hear. I should have never dated you its like dating a 4 year old.

L: Fuck you don't ever bother talking to me again asshole!

I hanged up. I went to the sink to wash my running mascara off. My eyes were starting to get puffy. I kept thinking how its over for us for good. Which made me cry more. Is it bad that I still love him? I tried to fix myself to make it look like I didn't cry. But it was pointless. I grabbed my phone and walked out of the bathroom. Hayes was snooring. I layed down on the couch and cried myself to sleep.

~ day hayes comes back to school~

Me and hayes walked down the halls. All eyes were on us. Today is the day that we find out if hayes is leaving or staying with the whore. We got to the football field where Hayes friends are. Kaitlyn came running up to him and she hugged him. "I'm so happy you're all right. " she said. She leaned in to kiss him and he pushed her back. "I'm not stupid. I know what happened." He told her. "I don't know what you're talking about. " "you and Nash." "I don't recall." She said. "You fucked my brother. Dude were done . " he laughed. "Hayes it was an accident." She said. "How do you lose your virginity on accident." I laughed. "Shut up lana." She said. "Don't tell my girlfriend to shut up." Hayes snapped.

Dun dun . I just wanted to update real fast . expect another update soon. Love you my thotlings.

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