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Angels POV

"Luis I thought you said , you had homework!" I yelled, I was trying to catch up to them. He turned turned around and walked up to me."And I thought you were just friends with Justice ,but I guess were both wrong." He snapped."but I am just friends with him and you know that " I said , my eyes were watery. "Well it doesn't fucking seem like it! Just by the way you smile when your with him, I know that you have feelings for him." He yelled. "Luis it might look like it but , I'm just being friendly I swear." I said, and I was holding back tears. "Maybe a little too friendly." He snapped and walk away. "Luis please believe me." I said and tears were falling down my face. He turned around and stopped . "come on luis, let's go make out again." Laura said , pulling on luis, she saw me and smirked. He was going to say something but she grabbed his face and kiss him. I started running idk where. I heard luis calling my name but I ignored him. I ran and I found this pond and sat on the bench . my phone was blowing up crazy. It was already dark.

"Angel?" Someone called my name, it was justice." Oh my god , I was so worried something bad happened to you "he said giving me a tight hug. "What happened?" He asked sitting on the bench with me. "Luis cheated on me." I said , with tears streaming down my face. He laughed and I stared at him. "I'm sorry for laughing , its just your like a perfect girl, he's stupid for cheating on you." He said. "I'm not perfect."  "Yes you are, your beautiful, smart, funny, nice, beautiful ,and did I mention beautiful." He said and I chuckled ,while I was crying. "Don't cry he's not worth your tears." He said wiping my tears away with his hand. He leaned in but I turned the other way. "I'm sorry." I whispered . "its okay I get it" he said, smiling. "We should probably tell everyone else I found you." He said calling someone.

"Who got in a fight."

"Ok, ok were on our way."

When we got back to the park . Lanas  hair was crazy  and their was blood on her. "Oh my god what happened." I said looking at Lana. "I fought the girl that luis cheated with." She said laughing. And I smiled. "Did you win?" I asked. "Nigga this ain't my blood" she said referring to the blood on her. I laughed and hugged her "I love you." I said "I know " she said.


Lana's POV

Since I have talked to hayes he invited me."hey " he said walking into the living room sitting on the couch. We were watching TV. "I'm gonna tell Matthew." I said. "Lana we agreed to not tell him." Hayes said getting mad.

"Hayes I hate pretending everything is okay when its not . I love him. And I'm not keeping it from him anymore." I said getting up and going to my room. Hayes followed. I grabbed my laptop and skype Matt.

"Hey babe." He said

"Matt I have to tell you something." I said.

"You didn't cheat on me or anything right." He said joking, I didn't reply.

"Right?" He said getting mad

"Lana say something!"

"I kissed someone." I cried.


"About 2,weeks ago."

"Oh so a week after I left and I thought you loved me ." he said , ashamed.

"I do love you "

"If you loved me you wouldn't have kissed back."

"I didn't even kiss him he kissed me." Hayes groaned.

"Who was it? Was it Nash ? Was it a new friend? It was hayes huh. I should have never trusted."

"Matt I'm sorry it wasn't my fault I swear."

"Lana were taking a break . I'm gonna go. Bye."

He hung up. "Well that didn't go as planned." Hayes said. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM. YOU RUIN EVERYTHING!"

Sorry short chapter angel wanted me to update

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