Halo✖chapter 52

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Hayes POV

"Does Lana ever talk about me?" Connor asked . I gave him the face Lana gives someone they say something stupid. "Why would she talk about you?" I laughed. "I mean its pretty obvious that she likes me." He said. I just ignored him and he left to be in Luis's group. "Stupid boy."

Angels POV

"Okay girls , there can only 3 in a group ." Mrs.Henderson said. "I'll just be with Chris ." said running over to him and Sofia. We laughed. We all got the lines for each character that we will be using to audition. I was practing and Luis came over and kept poking me. "You never pay attention to me. " he said. "Cuz you annoy me." I laughed . He messed up my hair.

"Go rehearsal your lines." I snapped. He walked away mimicking me. I swear sometimes he reminds me of my little brother so annoying. "Angel can you help us like sound better at singing." Leslie and Lana asked me. I laughed and nodded.

I taught them how to control their voices more and they didnt sound as bad as I thought they would. Justice came over to me. "Since the character that we are both trying to get is in this scene do you want to practice with me?" He asked. I smiled and nodded.

We practice and the teacher came over to us. "I smell chemistry." She said. "Stupid bitch this is drama." I heard leslie mumble. Me and justice laughed at her. The door opened and Kaitlyn came in. "Oh for those of you that don't know this is my daughter Kaitlyn , she will be helping me pick the roles." Mrs. Henderson said. I didn't know they were related.

"I'm 100 percent I'm not going to get the role I wanted." Lana said. I laughed at the thought of Kaitlyn making her be a boy or something. The bell rang and we all left school and started to walk to Mc Donalds.

Hayes POV

We ordered our food and sat down at a big table. "Now?" I asked Lana. She opened her mouth but was stopped. "Funny seeing you guys here." Connor said sitting down next to lana across from me. "More like funny seeing you here." Cat said , he ignored her.

Our food was called and me lana got up. "Why does he always have to be with us." I said grabbing the tray. She just stayed quiet. "Did you invite him?" I asked. "No, but after school he asked me if I wanted to go see a movie but I said no I'm going to mc Donalds. But he probably thought I invited him. " she said, grabbing the drinks. We sat down at our table.

"Hayes will you ever eat ass?" Cat asked me. I choked on my drink and started to laugh. "I can't believe you just said that. No I will never that's nasty as fuck." I said and they laughed.

"First let me hop out the mother fucking porshe." Luis quietly rapped. I laughed at him. "My mom is coming to pick me up in like ten minutes." Lana said, looking at her phone. "Or I can just give you a ride. " Connor said . " I'm gonna go with you , because I have a lot of homework and I need to study." I said. "What the fuck Hayes since when did you start doing homework?" Angel laughed.

Lana was listening to her music and Connor took one of her ear phones and put it in his ear. She gave him a dirty look and took it out of his ear . she took them off. "I miss the Jonas brothers so much." She said. "That's so random." Leslie laughed.

" I gotta go see you guys tomorrow." Lana said getting up.We said bye to the squad and Connor. We got in the car and sky was in the back.

When we got home I started to walk to my house but Lana's mom stopped me. "Hayes no one is home, Nash is spending the night at your dad's. John and your went on a date." She said. I turned back around and I went into there house.

Sky and Lana were laying on Lana's bed watching Netflix. I layed next to sky and she was lying in the middle of me and lana. "Let's watch this one." Sky said pointing at my little pony . "Sky were gonna watch something that we can all enjoy." I told her. "Who said you can watch." She said and lana covered her mouth trying not to laugh. "Lana ." I said trying not to laugh. "Why do you want him here do you like him?" She asked, turning her attention to Lana. Lana nodded and sky made a gross face.

"But he's a boy." She said and we laughed. We decided to watch Lilo & stitch. Few minutes into the movie sky started to snore. Lana and I looked at each other and we chuckled. We quietly got off the bed and went onto her balcony.

"Wanna go on the roof ?" She asked me. "Yeah." I replied. I help her stand on the ledge and she was on top of the roof . I hopped on. We sat down and we were looking at the stars in a comfortable silence. "Make a wish." She said pointing at a shooting star.

"I don't need to. I finally got my wish." I told her. "What did you wish for?" I asked her , not taking my eyes off of the stars. "I wish that my dad was here." She said.

I looked at her and a tear fell down her face . I scooted next to her and held her. She put her head on my shoulder. "He is in your heart." I told her. I kissed the top of her head "I love you so much." I mumbled. "I love you too."

Hi thots Jk add me on snapchat:mrs.espinosa81 .
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