my one and only✖chapter 40

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Lana's POV

I woke up and went to the bathroom. I looked and in the mirror and my eyes were red and puffy. I sighed and took off my clothes and I turned on the shower. After I was done showering, I wrap a towel around me. I chose my outfit for the day , it was my black leggings and my tye dye hoodie with my red vans. I put my hair in a high pony tail and I put on some mascara and eos.  Angel just woke up . "good morning hoe." She said ,stretching in bed. "Morning." I said , walking out my room.  I don't get why she didn't tell me her and Hayes are lovers , I don't even know what to fucking call them. I walked down stairs and everyone was there eating pancakes.  "Good morning guys." I greeted them. They said it back but with there mouth full . I laughed. "Lana can you come here." My mom yelled and I went into the kitchen, where she was making pancakes. "Where did you go in the middle of the night. I heard the door open and close?" My mom asked , flipping a pancake. But it landed on the floor and we both laughed." No I didn't go anywhere last night . it was probably Jonny , I'm like Kayne ,he's like  nick cannon ." I said and she shook her head and I laughed at her. I went to the dining room and sat down next to carter . Hayes yawned.  "You must be  so tired huh, Hayes?" I said. He gave me a confused look. "Don't play stupid Hayes, I saw what happened yesterday." I snapped. Angel walked downstairs.  "Lana what are you talking about?" He said. And I rolled my eyes.  I just ate my pancakes quietly. We all went over to Nash's house. Today we are gonna be opening our Christmas presents. We got each other. I gave carter his and he gave me a Tilly's gift card. I saw Hayes giving angel a present and she smiled and hugged him. "Get a room" I mumbled. They looked at me and I shrugged. Hayes walked over to me. "What's going on? Are you mad."  He asked. "Noooo. I'm so happy that my best friends are dating behind my back. I fucking love it!" I said sarcastically. "What are you talking about" he said, trying to calm me down. "Don't play stupid! I know you and Angel are together , I saw you guys yesterday." I said and he laughed. "Bitch stop joking , am I like on a prank show, Ashton where you at nigga." Hayes laughed. Wtf is going on. "So it wasn't you with angel at 3am ?"  I asked. "No I went to sleep right when you left." He said. I walked away and grabbed angel from the arm. "So who were you with last night around 3 am ?" I asked. "In bed." She asked more like a question. "You and Hayes are a thing huh ?" I asked. She started cracking up. "DA FAQ  that wasnt Benjamin." She laughed. "You wish it was " Hayes smirked. "Oh so you were out." I said. "Yeah I had to go to the hospital." She said. "Ohhh why?" I asked . "... I had to get my prostate checked." She lied. "Oh well okay" I paused. "I'm not that stupid I know that only guys have that. And anyway you would have to go to the dentist for that not doctors." I said ( dumb bitch). "Ugh fine I was outside , no big deal." She shurgged. "But I know for damn sure that guy wasn't justice." I said."why do you care, its not like its Matthew."she whispered yelled.  "I mean that is kinda true." Hayes agreed. "Your supposed to be on my side." I said. "Yeah , Lana why do you care so much?" Angel asked. Wtf. "I don't care I'm just trying to save your ass from you and justice breaking up." I said. She gave me a dog face. .  "But the real question is why did you ask if it was hayes first." She smirked. "Because you guys are my best friends and that's weird if you guys are together." I said ,she mhmd . Hayes just looked confused . he looked cute. WHAT THE FUCKING AM I THINKING. "Anyways who was the guy?" Hayes asked. Angel sighed. "It was Luis. Okay. I kissed Luis yesterday, I love him." Angel whispered. "How could you?" Justice said , coming out of the corner. We were in the hallway. "Justice your a good guy and your gonna make a girl very lucky and happy.  Its just , I don't think I could ever be over Luis, hes my one and only. I hope we can still be friends after this, please understand." Angel said. I felt so bad for Justice he really loved her, she just loves someone else. You can't control your heart. The heart wants what it wants. And you can't do shit about it. "Angel I love you . I love you so much  I understand and I will still support you and love you. I still want us to be friends." Justice said. Angel hugged him and he held her, tightly. "I'm gonna go home. I'll talk to you guys later. " justice said and he left. We went over to the living room where everyone else was. I gave Matt his present "aww thanks I've been wanting one of these." He said, I smiled. "Oh and tomorrow we are gonna do whatever you want to do and I'll pay." I said. He laughed.  "Let me go get  you your present ." he said getting up and going into the other room. He came back with a  medium sized box. I gave him a strange look and he laughed. I opened the box. It was a white puppy Chihuahua, it was wearing a little Santa hat. "Oh my gahd it so cute, I love her , its a girl right?" I asked ,he nodded. I am so happy , that I started crying. "Aww I didn't think you would be this happy." He laughed, hugging me. "I'm gonna name her taco." I said. I saw Luis giving angel her present she looked shocked and she jumped on him and hugged him . I looked over to hayes and he was laughing with carter and Nash.  His smile made me smile.

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