chapter 3

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after that intersteing conversation it was time for us to go to the gig. it was with a few people nohting to big so i was fine.

just sat on the floor infront of clary as she sat on a sofa watching simon play. it was sweet.

simon stoo at the front of the room with maureen singing and everyone vibed out to there music.

the moment the song was over we all cheered...well i didnt as i couldnt hear cause clary put her hands over my ears.

i dont like loud noises sometimes.

anyways we walked outside and back to the van all smiling my clutching onto clarys hand looking around.

"well thank you for being our roadie."maureen says putting her jacket intp the back of the van.

"yeah and thank you for being our artist in residence." simon says smiling pulling off his shirt. i gasp and look away making them laugh.

simon shirtless seems wrong he's like my brother.

"Of course. So, you went on stage tonight as Champagne Enema."

"whats-" i go to say but clary shoves her hand over my mouth stopping me.

"dont worry about it." she says smiling, i frown but nod confused.

"What were we thinking, right?"maureen say laugjing simon joins in chuckiling too.

" But now... we're Rock Solid Panda."he says making me laugh. still not having a shirt on though so im not looking at him.

"Yeah, we are."maureen smiles.

"Rock Solid Panda, coming feeling inspired"clary says dropping my hand and going into the back of the van she comes back with two spray paints making me tilt my head.

simon finally putting on a shirt grabs my hand and pulls me with them to the side of the van. maureen grabs the rest coming round with a smile on her face.

they stand there spray painting the side. even i got a go chosing blue paint.

clary does the finishing touches and then steps back.

"What's that tag?"simon asks looking at the thing clary was just spray painting.

"and that one?" maureen asks pointing to a similar one at the bottom that i painted.

"i painted that?" i ask confused looking at clary.

"Weird, I didn't even mean to draw that....Second time today." she says looking at the starnge symbol she's painted on the side of the van.

simon just laughs and takes the can out my hand and then clarys before walking to the back to put them away.

"You know they have confirmed cases of people waking up in the morning speaking French, and they never even studied the language." maureen tells us making me look at her frowning.

"Do you think that's some kind of language?"clary mutters looking at them confused."Sanskrit maybe."maureen shurgs following after simon.

i stare at the symbols for a moment before sighing and turning to look up at clary.

"clary..." i ask quietly. she looks at me and smiles."can i go exploring?" i ask smiling innocently at her.

she sighs and looks at me.

"mom told me i had to watch you the whole time...." she sighs looking at me sadly.

"pleaseeee...ill stay near the van." i beg her pushing my bottom lip out begging her to let me go look after.

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