chapter 35

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no ones pov:

"i cant believe you would just leave her" alec speaks his tone harsh and quiet as he walks back threw the front doors of the insitute.

"i didnt realise she wasnt following."clary replies back quickly trying to keep up with him.

"she's little you should know this." alec speaks harshly before he walks over to the screens where they was just was.

looking around he see's her bunny sat on a chair but no sign of gracie anywhere.

running a hand down his face he glares at clary before grabbing it and rushing off keeping his head high looking around the insitute for her.

the instsite is massive and she could be anywhere. he checked the training room. the kitchen.clary's room. his room, jace's room, izzy's room even gracies room that she never really goes in anymore.

before he sighs leaning against a wall resting his head in his hands. he look down at the bunny in his hand before sighing.

wiping has hand down his face worriedly he sets off again this time walking past his office where at first he thought she wouldn't be but now walking past hearing small giggles from inside he stops in his tracks.

alec walks over to the door and pushes it open before sighing seeing Gracie sat at his desk.

gracie's pov:

sitting there looking at those screens was boring. i knew everyone was gonna take ages to come back so i got up and moved to alec's office instead,

 it took me a while to find it since the institute is so big but i did eventually.

pushing open the large door to his office, i grunt before slipping inside and letting it slam behind me.

i look around the room before smiling and running over to his desk climbing onto his chair before spinning around on it.

i giggle loudly pushing the chair to go round faster before i start to get dizzy.

looking around his room i get bored so i climb off the chair to push it closer to his desk.

looking at everything on his desk, i find a clean bit of paper, which took forever to find before i grab a pen and start drawing.

kicking my legs under the table i hum to myself just happy to finally be relaxed.

i dont look up from the paper as the door opens to invested in drawing my picture of a dog.

"gracie" a voice calls making me look up straight away.

"hi awec" i say looking up at him smiling.

"ive been looking everywhere for you" he says quickly his voice stern making me pout.

 he comes marching over quickly spinning the chair around to face away from the desk. he crouches down to look at me as i lower my head.

i look down since i know im in trouble again and i dont like seeing alec mad at me.

"you cant just run off like that.2 he scolds making me nod my head."with everything going on...i thought something had happened for god sakes" he rants quickly making me look up at him.

"m sowry awec" i mutter sadly looking at him. he sighs looking at how sad i am now.

"its alright kiddo but please next time if i tell you to stay with someone please do." he says getting up ruffiling my hair making me nod and smile."what you doing?" he asks frowning playfully looking over the chair at the desk.

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