⚡Thundering Trust⚡

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Where was Wolf? I could of used the pup's company as well.

The door swung open. I helped my breath. I was behind Raiden. A partly bald man with a heavy German accent greeted us. "Oh hello there, perfect just in time." The man blinked he only saw the Cyborg friend of his. "Uhh.. where is the lady.?"

Raiden flinches a bit realizing I wasn't beside him but sensed I was hiding behind him. Raiden let out a small cough and stepped slowly to the side, showing my form. 'Aw..come on man...' I wasn't ready.

"Oh! there you are hi there miss." He greeted. I took a step back. My face had unsure written all over it. Beside me Raiden could tell something was off. "Let's get started come in, that eye of yours seems to be in great pain." He seemed really happy, too happy..it sorta creeped me out. I still had a blank face. I could feel the gaze of Mr. Lightning bolt-on me, I didn't dare look back.

I didn't move till Raiden did first. I wanted to be the last to go inside. * Click* The door shut behind me. 'Yup...' This place looked like a medic's place all right, and I disliked it. I wished it was just a normal room. Doktor pointed at the seat for me to sit on. My heart was pounding like crazy.

I sat down, Raiden took a seat not too far from me. He was observing Dok, and me. Sometimes I wondered what he was thinking.

"Alright then let's have a look!." Dok pulled up a chair directly in front of me, holding a cotton ball with some cleaner on it. He also held a small flashlight. I shivered a bit. 'Too close...' Spun in my brain.

Dok leaned forward, he was quite close to my face now. The second he did, I pulled back a bit. 'Too close.' I said again.

My heart pounded. "Ah..miss, I can't look properly if you don't stay still." He leaned forward again. Only to have me pull back, even more, a bit. My body froze, I didn't like it not after what I went through. Plus I didn't know this guy.

'Ugh god don't stare at me.' I could feel sharp blue eyes staring at me from the corner of the room.

Doktor sighed. He was surprised at my reaction. "Raiden isn't there something you can do..?"

I flinched at the Dok's voice. "Maybe, hold her in place." I flinched again. "No." Came out of my mouth. The room went quiet. Mr. Cyborg already stood up and made his way towards us. " I got an idea Dok, move for a second."

"Ah, right." His words were a bit stern. Seeing how Dok frightened me a bit, he didn't like it. He knew he could be a bit weird from his past when fixing up his metal body. It made even him shiver. However, he knew Dok meant no harm, especially to women.

I couldn't look at Raiden. Then there was a voice calling to me. "___..? hey..look at me." I hesitated. " Just try...look at me..please...?" It was the gentle voice of Raiden. Nervous I moved my good right eye to look at him. He was sitting on the ground, blue eyes locked down on me searching my face, there were concerned though. "Just look this way, while he looks at the other eye." As much as I didn't like a stranger being close to my face, Raiden had a point. I kept my eye on him. Raiden smiled at me lightly, waving his hand a bit. It was better than a wall I guess.

"Very good." Dok spoke as he inspected my injured eye. I winced as something stung that was placed on it. "O-ow."

But Raiden was hell-bent on keeping my attention on him. He was making a silly face. I didn't laugh but I felt a bit better. I let out a small sigh. I winced again I hated the feeling of the man poking my eye area lightly. "Hmmm." Dok spoke.

"What's the news..?" Raiden questioned, still looking me dead in the eyes. "Well, the good news is she still has two eyes, the bad is it will take some time to heal up. The cut around her eye is making it hard to open and see at all. She will need some medication to take away the swelling. A black bandage around that eye would probably be the best, to keep dust out."

Even I felt a bit better hearing that. "That's great news isn't it ___." Raiden tried to make me smile. I nod a bit. " I'll clean this wound up for you then. May I ask ___, are you planning to stick around with Raiden?"

I blinked. " I only ask because I think it would be best, and there is something I've been working on that you might like. It could be of great help for someone like you."

"What is it?" The two men sigh finally hearing me say a word.

"It's an interesting story actually. I had a request from Sunny. She is also doing great. She told me a bit about you. She spoke about an animal, a horse to be exact. Then it hit me, it sounded like a really good science possibility. Seeing as you also want to stick around with danger, and Raiden here."

"Just tell us Dok, what is it??" Raiden cuts in. "Aha yes*cough* Cyborg Horse. It would be great company kinda like that Blade Wolf that found a while back Raiden. However, this horse isn't AI persay. It's still a horse with a machine body, but it had some extra intelligence somehow added into building it's metal body. An Ex warhorse, they are extremely smart animals already."

My eye lit up at this. It sounded really cool! I was gonna have my own animal companion kinda like Wolf. "Gotta say Dok that's actually a really good idea, I think ___ here would like that." Spoke up Raiden.

"Yes, I would. I can't wait to meet it."

Before I knew it my eye was cleaned up, and I was on my to a special room put together for me, while I healed and needed the medication for my eye. I did want to see Sunny again, I missed Wolf too.

I sat down on my bed. "Finally..." I let out a big sigh. Raiden chuckled at me.

I spent the rest of the evening talking to Raiden, while we had food brought to us. Both of us drank some tea. Seconds after my face crashed down into the bed almost spilling the leftover food. Causing pretty-eyed lightning man to scramble towards the tray before it went flying.

Sighing Raiden carefully inched to the side and placed the tray on the table. I was exhausted. What I didn't realize is that Wolf managed to arrive seconds after. Wolf just stared at Raiden seeing his blue eyes wide.

- To Be Continued⚡

The Light In A Storm  Raiden X Reader (Metal Gear Rising Revengeance)Where stories live. Discover now