⚡The Forest Of Whispers⚡Part 2

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( Here is a chapter. I've been sick with a cold for a couple of days now. I was bored so I wrote more about my favorite cyborg ever)

I just got bitten by a snake. A snake!

I kneeled on the ground, assessing my wound. The sharp sting in my leg made it hard to move it. I was worried that the snake was poisonous. Raiden said he would be coming but, even at his speed it felt slow.

Rushing out of the forest at a fast speed, Raiden skidded and stopped a  few inches away from me.

"What happened??"

Immediately Raiden kneeled to scan over my leg. "A snake jumped out of the bush after a rabbit. Instead, it bit me."

"..shit...I'm not sure if it's poisonous or not. I should still..."

"Do what? Raiden what are we going to do?" I began to worry about how he talked.

"It's not you, it's me. Hold still, I can't miss." My eyes widen in panic. "R-Raiden wait wait! you, so stop!"

"I have to it's the only way, don't you understand? If there is poison in there I need to get it out. Now sit down on that rock and don't move."

I hung my head a bit and did as he said. He was trying to save my life, but this was going to hurt. Kneeling down at my leg, Raiden pulled out his dagger. Till then I pulled off my shoe and rolled my pant leg up. The swelling purple-red puncture marks were more visible now to me. It looked sort of bad. "I'm..sorry about this." He whispered and placed the dagger on my leg right over the bite marks. He began to slide it down across. Cutting it open more. Tossing the dagger to the side as the blood pooled down my leg. It took all I had not to cry from the sharp burn I felt.

"Cross your leg, keep that one on top." I did as he said. "Now don't move. With what little jaw Raidne had left. He placed his cold half-metal lip against my leg, beginning to drain the blood out with what poison there could have been in there.

"RaideN! the hell ...man." I hissed. With one last spit. Raiden finished and backed away, and reached into a little pouch he had in his leg strap bag. He pulled out a roll of fluffy white bandages.

"If you want, you can punch me later for that...for now let me wrap that up." Confusion,  from embarrassment, swept over me. "Stupid..., how could I punch you..for helping me." I averted my eyes from his gaze of those sharp blue eyes. I understood why he had to do that. That image of him treating my leg would be burned into my mind for a while now. I didn't have the heart to say anything mean to him, let alone punch his pretty face.  When we return from this mission, I want to see what he looks like again without all that metal around his face.

  When we return from this mission, I want to see what he looks like again without all that metal around his face

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"I prefer you not walk for a little till the bleeding stops. So I'll carry you back to the cabin."

"Alright. Turn around."

"Okay." He said to me. Careful of his sword. I threw myself up onto his back and just lay there all flopped down with my arm around his neck. "You may walk right."

"Haha right." He laughed lightly. I could feel his movements as he began to step forward. Instead of running back, he walked this time for my sake.

'Snakebite pft, forget that. I get a free piggyback.' I laughed to myself. I could finally rest my feet.

( Inside the Cabin)

Throwing the cabin door open with one arm. The other kept me in place on his back.

Raiden's footsteps sounded almost haunting as he walked inside.

"Perfect a chair. Here I will set you down." Kind of like a prince Raiden set me down on my feet. "Now you can rest, don't even sweat it I got the rest, because tomorrow we really should move out."

Scanning the room, Raiden's eyes land on a stove.

"There is a little camping stove here. Looks decent, I could make some food if you like?"

I sat on the chair, dazed a bit. Even the pain in my leg I tried to ignore. I lived through the snake bite that was all that mattered.

"Sure." I replied.

"You can babysit my blade till. So I'll just put it here." Sliding his high-frequency blade off his back, along with his dagger that he recently cleaned. He leaned them against the chair next to me.

He knew I liked looking at it. It brought Raiden joy seeing me so fascinated with his blade. I tried to play it cool.

Raiden began to cook up some food in his little corner.

I looked down at the blades by me, then back up at Raiden. I sighed. We had a long way to go, and a little snake had already dealt me some damage.

"Pft..." I hissed.

"Mmh, what is it?" Raiden asked, hearing my frustration.

"Stupid snake.." I muttered." Well, you will be fine. It will hurt for a while though. Here try this." Raiden walked up to me with a simple little stew he managed to put together.

"This should warm you up." Surprisingly it smelt nice.

I took my time to enjoy this little meal. I felt a bit better.

This small enemy cabin had no bed. I wasn't even sure how I was going to sleep tonight. 

"I will go out to patrol, hopefully, no one will bother us tonight."

"You should sleep too," I replied to the platinum-haired cyborg.

"I will once I'm done." He gave me a light grin. 'Liar...knowing him he will be too worried and up all night watching the cabin.'

"Okay...well good luck then."

"Thanks." With that, he stepped outside.

I slowly climbed off the chair and curled up in the corner. Missing the bed and room I had in Raiden's home. That place was where I felt the safest.

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