The Curse Of The Forest

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Boy was it hot outside

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Boy was it hot outside. I needed shade.
"I guess we can just go into the forest for shade." There wasn't any sign saying.
Do not Enter.

I urged the horse on and entered the cool forest. It was nothing like at home, this was more exotic in itself.

It's been almost an hour since I entered, we were following a trail that went up and through the wilderness. I could hear birds chirping happily.

I spot a little pond in a clearing. It would be a nice area for the horse to drink. The water was clear, probably not gross.

I dismount and lead the horse to the water. Midnight happily drinks the cool water.

I sit down on the ground to rest. I pull some food out and begin munching on it.

I was so quiet, the sounds of animals in the forest moving around echoed. I bet there were wild dogs around here, who would love to attack my horse. I needed to be careful and have my ears open to sounds.

In the distance I could hear sounds, it was speech. Someone was here inside the shadows. 'P-people....maybe friendly hikers?' That was what I thought. I could see my horse's ear twitching picking up the sounds of men.., maybe a woman too. Still, I saw nothing.

I was not alone.., not anymore. I could hear twigs crack from something walking on it. I quickly crammed my stuff back into my bag and went back to my horse. I mounted the animal and waited for what was lurking in the shadows.

I may have been trained for combat by Raiden, but still, I wasn't that good yet. Strong men and women could overpower me still. Guns I wasn't a fan of.

'I wonder...if Raiden is awake yet. Has he even noticed I left and was on the otherside of the world?'

(Raiden's POV)

'Man, how far has she gone?' Raiden looked up into the large forest. It could be a good spot to be ambushed. He couldn't think like that though. He needed to keep a level head, and just think everything was alright, and I was just enjoying a trail ride.

The cyborg man with silvery white hair pushed away from branches and entered the forest, miles away from where____ was.

-Until Next Time ⚡

( I know this chapter was short. I want to make them longer asap.)

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