⚡Security Alert⚡

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We arrive in one piece in England. My head buzzed from being in the air soo much.

"I have prepared a car rental for us. Follow me." Raiden began walking ahead of me. My jetlag was affecting me more than I thought it would. He was so focused on getting us the car. That it took him a second to realize I was trailing behind.

"Woops, sorry about that." Raiden zipped back with long strides. He grabbed my heavier luggage from my hands.

With a slower pace, we finally made it to the area where our car was rented.

"So.. where are we going?" The is was early evening currently.

"There is an office building I need to drop papers down in. You can wait in the car if you want."

I sat down on the passenger side next to Raiden. "Coffee?" Raiden held a paper cup full of it that he grabbed on our way out of the airport.

"Uh.. what about you?"

"I'll be fine, my blood sugar is doing really well to stay awake. I can tell you are a bit jetlagged though."

"Haa....is it hella bitter...?"

"Uhh....one sec." Raiden took a moment and sipped a tiny bit of it. I could only roll my eyes. "It's on the sweeter side." I instantly grabbed it out of his hand like a tiger swiping at its food. He gives me a surprised look. "Guess that's a yes."

The sun was more than halfway down, it seemed to be going dark faster now. We pulled up to a long street leading into a security booth, in front of that was a large gate, to what seemed like a factory or office building.

"Oh, it's been a while since I saw something like this." I spotted two dark figures inside their booth. They were chatting to themselves with a cup of coffee. I always wondered what it was like doing that kind of job.

It reminded me also of that security guard Solis had. Now that man seemed to have it easy.

"Yup, let's go say hi." Raiden grinned.

We pulled up to the gate, interrupting their late-night coffee break. 

"Window down please

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"Window down please." One of the guards ordered. The other held a flashlight and shinned it inside the car at us.

"Evening men." Raiden greeted with a grin. Showing his metallic shiny lower teeth. The one guard was checking the license plate, he actually seemed to look terrified by us. Possibly because of Raiden.

"State your business sir," Security asked Raiden. He leaned on towards my side of the car.

"I have only recently arrived here, I have some papers to hand into the building. Military papers."

'Maybe it wasn't even military papers at all, possibly something else. It could be a cover-up made for us by Otacon to keep us safe.' I thought.

The one checking our license plate stood up and slowly slithered back into the booth. I swear I caught a glimpse of him shivering.

'HAhaha!' I laughed in my mind. It was funny seeing his Raiden. I could see Raiden holding back his laugh, he just kept on smiling. Making the scared guard turn away a bit and look at his book.

The man gave me a strong look, though he said nothing. Maybe because Radien had the look of "Don't even think about it." written on his face.

"Alright sir, you are free to go."

Raiden gave a toothy smile. "Thaaanks."

The guard pushed a button and the gate began to slowly open up. I took this time to look up at the stars in the night sky. Raiden stepped on the gas pedal and we began to move. He rolled the windows back up and a comment flew from my mouth.

"That one guard looked terrified of you."

"Hah, maybe I did go a tiny bit too far. Still, their faces told me they needed a good reason to let us pass."

"They have a long night ahead of them," I said as we rolled into a parking spot.

"Heh yeah, let's hope they have a thrilling night." Raiden chuckled. "Beats their grumpy faces any day."

Raiden grabbed a bag from the back seat and smiled lightly at me.

"I will be right back___, stay here and keep the doors locked. This car is linked to my emergency alert system headset. In a way some of its system options are semi-automatic. It will alert me if anyone comes near the car or touches it. K?"

I sighed looking outside and seeing just how dark it was. "Ookay.."

"Good, just relax here and drink that coffee. You may need it." He patted the top of my head. Raiden stepped out. Instantly the locks in the car went down. I was not locked inside the car alone, in the dark.

I watched Raiden walk into the building, the moonlight making his metal parts visible shimmer a bit. Just like that, he was gone.

"Oookay.. now what..?" I asked myself.

The Light In A Storm  Raiden X Reader (Metal Gear Rising Revengeance)Where stories live. Discover now