⚡Thundering Trust Part 4⚡

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"..so..ah, how did you know?"

Funny how he asked just now, and how he had no idea. An image of a cyborg cop punching him caused to push a button on his caller, then made my phone ring. ' Possible.' I told myself. 

I looked out to the road, sighing a bit I started to speak. " My phone rang, I could hear the sounds of fighting, but there was no actual voice talking to me. I heard voices though. One sounded a bit like you. I looked at that called ID."

Raiden's eyes widen. "I see, makes sense." He breathed.

"You know that was a very dangerous thing to do." His voice was a bit sharp. I felt a chill as if he was scolding me. "......" I didn't know what to say. "You don't just run onto a battlefield unprepared, and injured." I felt something cold touch the side of my neck lightly. 'Oh..god.' His voice was intimidating me. I felt a chill. What was on my neck?!

"Soo.. have anything to say for yourself...hmm?" He pressed on. That cold something still was on the side of my neck. "I- I did it because it seemed like the right thing to do, you seemed to be in trouble." I spoke in a soft voice, because of whatever he was doing back there. I did not want any bad.

Raiden let out a sigh. "Haha...relax girl." He actually laughed at my reaction. "Y-Y-Y..ou making fun of me??" I turned my head slightly. That cold object was just hit metallic finger resting on the side of my neck. My eyes went wide, my jaw practically dropped. 'HEHE was testing me!??'

Raiden's eyes went wide at my facial expression. A sudden ping of Uh oh spread fast on his face.

"YOU!" I glared at Raiden.

"N-no wait!___I!" He tried to explain, but nope. I shoved him off the horse really fast. Causing him to lose his balance and plop into the sand. Making Thunder take a few big steps ahead, I stared down at Raiden who now lay there on the sand in shock.

"I-I.." He trailed off. "Hmm??" I looked at him. "Sorry.. for scaring you. I just don't want to see you hurt, not like Sunny or others I've seen in the past." He kinda hung his head low. Thunder tapped his hoof in the sand snorting.

"I knew it was risky, but I also knew it would probably be okay." I sighed. "Thanks, for coming still though. You saved me with the ride too." Raiden slowly stood up, dusting himself off. "But I do need to train you still, now that you have this cyborg horse friend of yours." Raiden smiled lightly. "Here let me sit in front now, I'll keep watch. You need rest too." Raiden insisted.

"Alright then, Thunder be good. Raiden here is awesome." I whispered to the horse. Sliding off the horse I watched as Raiden approached us. To my surprise when I thought he was going to mount the horse, he surprised me with a soft hug. 

"You okay though..? Gekkos didn't harm you?" I felt my heart skip a beat. "..I'm okay, besides my eye." 

"That's good." He whispered. His silver hair rested on my shoulder, and neck softly. "How's your face..? That earlier looked painful."

"A little sting but all good, not the first time that happened in my life." He laughed at the end remembering old flashbacks. The many times he kissed the ground and metal.

"Ooo..sounds painful." I patted his back. I'm glad he was okay though. He slowly let me go. Grabbing hold of the saddle he easily pulled himself up. Then he held his hand out to me. It just hit me that the saddle space was taken by his big cyborg self. "Thanks." I took his hand, he pulled me up easy. He held me in the air as I placed my legs over the horse. " Hold on okay?"

"To what though?" I had like nothing to hold onto back here. With a sigh and swift movement. Raiden grasped my wrist pulling them across his waist. "Like that, now don't you dare let go."

The Light In A Storm  Raiden X Reader (Metal Gear Rising Revengeance)Where stories live. Discover now