⚡Thundering Trust Part 2⚡

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To my surprise the next morning I woke up to Wolf curled up next to me in the bed. As if he was a real pup.

Raiden was lucky enough to have his own bed on the other side of the room. After I passed out and Wolf came back the ash-haired cyborg man was worried about me. He stayed up longer into the night sometimes looking at my resting form. Just making sure I was breathing still.

My eyes fluttered open slowly. There was a strange extra sinking weight on my bed. It was odd because I swear It wasn't there before I passed out. ' Wait, I passed out. Oh my. With food on the tray.' In panic, I looked down.

There was no tray. It was placed on the side table. That explained it. I noticed a dark form lying in a blanket of its own curled up. I peaked a bit closer. I was shocked to see Wolf here. Let alone napping in my bed.

He must of curled up in a blanket so that his metallic body wouldn't injure me in my sleep.

I slowly turned my head, I looked overseeing a sleeping Raiden on the other side of the room. His surprisingly soft artificial skin face looked soft. His pretty ash haor ay there softly on his face and pillow. He looked peaceful. This was a rare thing to see. The man almost never gets time to rest. I was really thankful for him. He kinda became my bodyguard in a way.

It was still just dawn the sun isn't even out properly. I didn't want to wake the two up. If I made too much movement they would easily sense it.

I lay my head back on the pillow. Facing towards Raiden, as I closed my eyes for a bit longer. A happy tear trickled down the side of my face.

1 hr later I woke up, I still faced the same way, but Raiden was gone. He left.

"Huh?" I spotted a silver phone sitting on the side table where the tray used to be. I picked it up. Meanwhile, Wolf just woke up, and watched from behind. He said nothing yet. "Ah text?" I began to read it.

~ Raiden: " Hi___, I'm am going to be out for a small job mission. I noticed you're phone was smashed a while back so I replaced it for you. I programed the numbers of the few people that can help you while I'm out. You can call my headset anytime with this phone if you'd like. Dok wanted to let you know that there is someone outside that wants to meet you. If you have the energy go ahead. Wolf has got you covered seeing as he just popped back of nowhere lol.  Rest up, I'll be back eventually."

For the first time in a while, I actually smiled at this man's kindness. I was gonna call him back , but after I get myself together. Wolf jumps off my bed and faces me. "Aw hello Wolf, sleep good?" 

"For a AI set it was a nice change to rest my metal parts. I assume you know now from what Raiden sent you." He spoke in his robotic voice.

 "Yup, I do. You can come with me Wolf, and go see what Dok has for me."

"Yes I will."

I got myself together. Before leaving I tried to call Raiden. It rang. 

"Yes? hello," His voice said.

"Just wanted to say I got the message, and a be careful."

"Haha, I'm always careful. You do sound better now, how's the eye?"

"Still hurts a bit, I'll live tho. I'll let you go through, have fun!" I could overhear his footsteps, he was running. It brought back kinda fun memories.

"I'll try too, putting bad guys away is always a wild time. Raiden out." With that, he hung up.

Taking a deep breath I made my way to Dok's lab. I knocked on the door. "Yes?" He replied.

"It's___, I got a message from Raiden."

"Ah yes! I'm coming." The door opened up quickly. "My you look a lot better, I have your medication ready too. Here." Dok passed me a liquid to drink. "This will help the pain and swelling a bit. I didn't really like taking anything but at this point, I kinda had no choice. I swallowed it. "Good, the other thing I called for you is actually outside. Just beyond these doors." Dok pointed to a large set of doors. Wolf followed after me. Dok opened the door for me.

The second I saw what was on the other side, my face just about went pale. "Do you..like him?" Dok asked.

It was non-other than that cyborg horse I was told just yesterday. I was speechless. This dark-coloured metallic stallion was beautiful. There was a horse on his head, around it was a long mane. He had this glowing blue light in him, kinda like Raiden's high-frequency blade. It just looked at me as I walked slowly. "He is a fully trained ex-military horse, he has one of the calmest tempers ever. It's alright he won't harm you. He has no name right now, I thought id leave that to you."

"Wow..., hello there beautiful." I said in a calm voice. Even Wolf was shocked. "I too am surprised to see this horse, he is not a AI like me that much I can tell." Wolf said.

The horse dropped his head lower as I approached him. His blue eyes glowed in the morning sunlight. "Hello." I whispered slowly reaching out to pet its nose. "Raiden is gonna be stunned hehe." This Cyborg horse was very tall. It just held his face there, as it trusted me right away. "I heard he understand humans really well, but of course can't communicate like AIs. He also is much different than riding a horse that isn't a cyborg. You can just tell him which way to go, perfect for someone who is injured and can't steer too well. He has a saddle perfect for you so his metallic body won't hurt." Doktor was ecstatic at this, just as much as me. I had a perfect idea.

"I love him." I petted his neck. Some of him was soft, like the nose, head and neck. Possible artificial fur. He had the mixed look of a horse in Knight armour and metallic cyborg body.

"I think I'll call you Thunder." The horse shook his head up and down at this. "Haha I think he agrees with you." Chuckled Doktor. "You like it ?" The horse nods his head again, snorting at my words. " I hope we can be great friends Thunder." The horse gazed down at Wolf, he tapped his hooves on the ground. " Nice to meet you Thunder, I'm called Blade Wolf. My master isn't here at the moment. I am a friend of Raiden, and this girl ____." The horse seemed to understand everything Wolf told him, I thought it was just so nice to see.

*Bring! bring* The sound of my phone ringing cut off our thoughts.  I picked it up, but there was no hi or hello. It was a strange crinkling sound. *ching* I heard the sounds of metal being cut. "H-hello..? " I said in a quiet voice. There was a loud crash, like glass shattered, bending of metal. "Aaargh!" I distant sound of a man sounded in pain. There it was again after a short pause of more metal scrapping. My heart began to beat faster. "R-Raiden..?!" I said louder, but there was no reply. I looked at my phone, it was his code number that was on the line. "What the heck?"  Suddenly a loud crashing sound happened and the line cut. 

"Wolf, can you trace that? Was that him?" I began to worry, it sounded like he or someone was in pain, or a battle.

"Hmm, it's going to be hard, I can try to lead you to his area. It will be a long trip." Said Wolf.

"Dok, I'm going. Whatever happened there I think Raiden is in trouble." 

Dok's jaw dropped wide open. "Go?! in your state you can't even see in one eye." "I am going, If Raiden really is in trouble, I want to find him. Thunder here can help take me there, right boy." Thunder neighed in reply. I patted him. "A-alright then.., call me if you need help. Goodluck! go save our good friend miss."

I quickly mounted the Cyborg horse. "Come on boy, please take us to Raiden."

(The photos above are a mix of what the Cyborg Horse looks like)

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