⚡🌸Lightning Fire Stings⚡🌸

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( Get ready for some fire in the next two chapters to come)

"UGHR!" *CHing!* A bloody cyborg body fell to the ground in two parts. Here around Raiden, enemy cyborg bodied lay around him on the ground. His eyes glowed red, as he gasped for air. Trying to calm down as he was finished with his fight.

Flicking the blood off his blade swiftly, Raiden put his sword back in the sheath. He walked over to his bags that still lay there on the side of the street. While his red eyes faded, and his lightning blue returned. He picked up his bags, checking to see if the gift was still in his pocket.

He walked on, while the sunset and a bolt of lightning lit up the dark sky behind him.


I sat there on the sofa with a cup of tea in my hand. Waiting for my good new friend of a couple of months now. It was pretty late. *CRASH!* A louder booming thunder shook the sky outside. I see a bright light of lightning in the sky through the window. A small chill hit me seeing the sky light up. Was that Raiden's doing? or what it just an oncoming storm.

Moments after, the door suddenly unlocked. Covered in rainwater, Raiden's form emerges from the doorway. A bolt of lightning strikes once again. The image before me, literally made me drop my cup of tea. It shattered onto the floor spilling my tea. It was just Raiden, why was I shivering?

Cooly Raiden closed the door, locking it. He turned back to me sitting meters away from the door. He looked tired. He must of had a long day, I thought. "Hi..uh ___." His gaze looked at the smashed cup on the floor. "S-sorry..I'll clean it up."

"N-no, I got it." He straightened himself up and walked past me and into the kitchen with his grocery bag. "Sorry, for taking this long." He spoke from inside the kitchen. Just as he unpacked stuff, his eye landed on the cyborg horse in his yard. A light smile hit his lips. Right away he knew who it was. Grabbing a broom Raiden came back into my room. I moved away from the area carefully, and sat farther back, near the window. The rain thrashed against the window, it was really storming hard outside. "Man..the rain couldn't wait till I got back." Raiden chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

"Ha..yeah." Replied in a sickly voice. Swiftly Raiden cleared up the broken cup. Thankfully the rain cleaned the blood off his by the time he got back. At least he wouldn't be trailing it inside.

Lightning flashed outside brightly. "Scared of storms?" Raiden questioned seeing me look through the window. I shake my head. "No.., I actually like most of them." This made his ears catch my voice better, my words saying I liked storms in a way pleased him.

Clearing his drenched suit off and setting it aside. Raiden now stood in his normal metal body look. Taking the small box from, Raiden made his way up to me who sat by the window. He cleared his voice and held the silver box in his clawed hands out to me. "I- I know it's late..." He didn't know what else to say. My eyes scan the box in surprise. "H-how..did you-?"

"Call it...a strike of luck." His words made me giggle. I took the box from his hands. Raiden sat down across from me on a chair. Patiently he waited. Opening up the box, I saw a silver chain necklace, with a light blue crystal lightning bolt as a pendant. It was extremely shiny. I was in awe of how pretty this simple jewelry was. Raiden held his breath, hoping I didn't hate it. He was running short on time after all.

"Thanks so much, I love it." I tried to hold a soft smile, keeping myself from exploding with too much joy. It still stormed outside, it was probably going to all night. Raiden's face turned to a happy smile, deep down he was sighing. I placed the necklace on myself.

The Light In A Storm  Raiden X Reader (Metal Gear Rising Revengeance)Where stories live. Discover now