⚡The Echo Of Shattering Glass Part 2⚡

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Day.."Uh..maybe four?" It was hard to know, how long it has been. The rain was still on and off, it sucked. I was currently held up in my tent during the afternoon. The last thing I wanted was to be out in the rain, I had a small nose cold. My head was hurting, and I had a bit of the sniffles. It wasn't that bad though, I had a little bit of food left, but not a lot.

The wind got very strong and threw more rain at it, thankfully it wasn't folding like cards on me.

( Raiden's Side Of The Story)

Raiden was flying above water now, In a high-speed jet. The kind he needed to lay down in. It was pouring rain, during his ride.

*beep beep*

A sensor started going off for him, this made his sharp blue eyes snap to the side looking at what was happening. While that was happening Kevin's picture shot up next to his sight.

"Uh..Raiden. What is that beeping?" "I'm just looking into it. It seems to be signalling something.'

"Out there? you're in the middle of nowhere, let alone above water right now. Here I'll see if I can look something up with this signal."

"Alright..I'll keep an eye out if I see anything."

"Ha ha.. I see what you did. Kinda like way back when Sam you know. You were flying just like then, as you are now." Kevin playfully spoke to Raiden.

A smirk hit Raiden, remembering the times. He was finally able to joke about that. "Say Raiden, would you like to do a little trip, just for the sake of looking?"

"Sure what is it? I've been wanting to stretch out normally for a while."

"It's faint but there might be some sort of life down there." "Alright, I'm going down." Raiden swiped Kevin's holograph photo. His eyes glowing a bit of red, preparing for what was going to be down there. He was ready to finally do something.

The Light In A Storm  Raiden X Reader (Metal Gear Rising Revengeance)Where stories live. Discover now