⚡After Effect Part 4⚡

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The next morning Raiden awoke, he did not move though. 'Strange...what is that...weight..?' He thought to himself while half asleep. 'OH.' Raiden glanced down with his sharp eyes, seeing my head laying on top of his chest at an awkward angle. How was this comfortable? he had no clue. 'How did this?' He thought to himself. Raiden slid a bit over, but it was she who had migrated to his side mostly. His arm was still where he left it stretched out. If someone would see this, it kinda looked like he was protecting her from something.

(My/Readers POV)

I started waking up, feeling my face being crushed against something. 'Ugh...what the.' Opening my eyes I looked down. 'OH god!' I gasped at the metal before me. My head was resting on top of Raiden's chest area. Panic began to hit me a bit. "Aah..morning." His voice caught me off guard.I moved my head right away and shot up. "I.I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to." I tried laughing it off. He just looked up at me all chill. "Nah it's fine, no harm done." "Ugh..my face hurts."

"Pft, ha told you I wasn't a fuzzy animal." I rolled my eyes.

(Normal POV)

While I hit a mini panic stage Raiden was trying to process everything. He wasn't upset about anything. That was surprising though to him. Then he remembered about the armour, they had to get ready. Raiden sat up, his hair looking perfectly fine, and soft. "Get ready, I'll be back. Today we get the armour for you."

"Oh right!" I stood up slowly, seeing the black coat on the bed. "Nervous?" Raiden took one last look at me before stepping out. "Not too much yet." I replied.

"Hm I see." He slipped away.

( Time Skip)

It was time to meet Dok.

"We are here." Raiden knocked on the door with his metal fist.

"AH, splendid!" The door opened up. The man greeted us. I still felt uneasy about him, but I didn't want to make seen. "Alright show us Dok what do you got." Raiden cut right to the chase, he wanted to get this over with fast. 

Dok pointed at a metal frame that held up my armour. "It's all done!" I walked up to the glittering silver metal parts. A silver bulletproof vest, that was padded inside. It had pockets. There were strap-on shoulder pads made of silver metal too. "Yes nice isn't it? This metal is quite strong, sort of like Raiden's body. It can reflect most enemy bullets." Dok spoke to me. The shoulder pads armours straps would go across my body in an x shape. There was leg padding the same way too, but these were not full-on let covers, I needed to be able to run. It was mostly out on the outer thigh, and shin area. Below the armour was black leather skinny pants, and a shirt, to go with that I had a pair of long combat boots and gloves.

There were some details of vines and small blue and red gemstones in the vest. It actually looked really pretty.

"You should go suite up. Raiden insisted I try it on. Alright ...

You can use that room next door.dok said. I picked up the clothes and walked inside.

First was the leather clothes. This made me almost feel like royalty or some badass cop. I giggled a bit. It wasn't hard to strap on the silver armour. The leather clothes were soft inside. It was perfect for my size. I cojld see a slot on the back of my vest for a sword. My leg armor had a slot for a dagger. For now I left my hair down. If it gets really bad out there later on id tie or braid it so it dosnt get cut off.

I pulled on my combatl boots a d laced it up. So soft..oh my god I love it...  I really needed new clothes anyways and this was perfect.

I stepped back out to them suited up.

The Light In A Storm  Raiden X Reader (Metal Gear Rising Revengeance)Where stories live. Discover now