The Long Night

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*Brring Bring❗*

Raiden's headset rang. 'Is he gonna pick it up?' I couldn't see Raiden's face. There was a clicking sound and I see a hologram projection of Kevin's face pop up in front of Raiden. ( I never really thought about if people other than Raiden can see their codec calls, but I think they could.)

"Oh hey, Kev. Been a while." Raiden tried to fix the tone of his voice.

"Man Raiden you vanished there for a while, w-wait a second is that____ back there??"

I felt him flinch a bit. I only looked up into the screen so Kev could see me and waved.
"Raiden, Raiden. Why didn't you say, you two finally met up again??"
"W-well.. I." I laughed quietly in the back with no sound.

"By the look on her face she missed you too man. Hey, least you got your arm back. I heard about your accident a little while back."

Kevin's words made me get flash backs of that day, I sunk back down, placing my face into Raiden's hair.

"Ah.. Kev maybe another time with that. A lot has happened recently." Raiden speed walked while he was trying to get me back.

"A alright then. You two come visit us when not busy, we can go to a restaurant. I bet Courtney would join too."

"Sure sounds good. I am sorry but I need to go, we are in the middle of something."
Kevin nods." Okay take care, ___ if he's being stupid come talk to us. We got your back." Raiden would have pinched his nose if he wasn't working on walking and holding my frame on his back. There goes Kevin embarrassing Raiden over the phone.

"I uh okay thanks. I think I'm okay though." The call ended and we were back to running fast.

The sun was almost setting. We had made it back to his home. Raiden nearly kicked the door down but instead unlocked it knowing he didn't feel like repairing the wall and door later.

Closing the door after checking we were not followed, I climb off Raiden. The smell of cherry blossoms hit my nose once again. He really liked that air freshener.   

Raiden speed walked around the house grabbing certain items like cups, plates and blankets. It almost made me dizzy.

"Yyou okay?"
"Oh yeah sorry.. " I replied to Raiden who glanced at me a bit worried. He still had that deeper voice on him. Something was still on his mind, and he could not rest until he finished the job.

"Here, these are some items you can use while I'm gone." Raiden placed them on the table near me. " It's not much..., but I'm not sure how long I'll be gone."

Raiden averted his eyes a bit. "Raiden.., just please be careful and hopefully come back." I walked over to the cyborg and wrapped my arms around him. He rested his head on my shoulders. "I'll be kinda sad if you don't return."

I was more afraid to be in the house alone if he never returned. Or took an insanely long time. Raiden felt me tremble a bit. Tired of recent events, my mind wasn't ready to rest, even though my body wanted to.

"I'll be right back." Raiden pulled away and went upstairs. Not long he came back down with that long black trench coat he use to wear many years ago. He places it in my hands. "This might help you, also I can call you when I get into a decently safe area. You can also talk to Sunny, I'm sure she is awake late anyways."

I gave Raiden one last look as he stood at the doorstep. Seeing his eyes shining red. He was seriously wanting to hunt down those people. His metal body glistened in the lighting that flashes through the window.

"'s storming."

"Hm, must be for me. I'll be back stay frosty." He flashed a grin, the kind of grin you see when a person is about o step into battle with confidence.

" He flashed a grin, the kind of grin you see when a person is about o step into battle with confidence

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It was time to give Sunny a call.

- Until Next Time ⚡⚡

The Light In A Storm  Raiden X Reader (Metal Gear Rising Revengeance)Where stories live. Discover now