⚡The Sandy Path Ahead⚡

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( This took me a while because I had a lot of info to organize.)


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"So..you returned as a cyborg for the first time?" I asked while we walked.

"That's right, I haven't seen...Snake in a very long time. He has no idea what exactly happened to me, and where I went."

"That was when you got this black trench coat for the first time wasn't it."

"Haha yes..it was. I had a different body then.

Raiden Explained to me how he took down a group of Gekko and met Vamp.

"Vamp...he seems scary.."

"Really?? more than me?" He looked at me shocked.
" Well., when I first saw you. I had a different feeling or worried. Also, you are not a bad person."

"..I never sadly got the chance to meet Snake, but hearing about his illness he had, to rapidly age. Is sad."

"Yeah...it is."

"However,...as much as I know you did not have it easy at all....sorry...Raiden." Raiden stopped walking and looked down to the side to me.

"I..have taken many lives. Most bad, at least I hope. Let you are not afraid of me, you stand by me still. Even though...I am broken, Cyborg."

I followed Raiden till we left the town. Raiden stopped walking and looked up into the sky.

' I hate to have to say this.' He thought.
"___." Raiden carefully spoke. I looked up to his face. He stopped moving. "What's wrong?" Raiden looked down at the long path ahead of us.

"This is the area for us to part ways for a while."

"Wait what do you mean?" I asked confused. 

Patiently he explained to me. "Remember how I said, at some point, I can not be by your side?"

"Oh..yes right." 'Raiden was going be the shadow in the trees while I walked towards the enemy.

"Okay, I understand. Do what we must."

"I will talk to you on the codec, do not worry." He tapped the mini earphones I had on me. "I won't be too far away, but you won't be able to see me. I have my own part in this too. Stay off the road, and walk on the side."

"Okay, I will do my best." He faced me and placed both hands on my shoulder. "You got this. Are you ready?" He waited for my reply. The second I said yes. There would be no going back.


Raiden nods his head and takes in a breath. With a bend of his knee. He was gone in a flash. 'Like a damn ninja.'

"I'm in position, you may walk." I heard his voice.

I was nervous... I wasn't exactly alone, he was my backup. Still, he was not here next to me. I had to trust him.

The Light In A Storm  Raiden X Reader (Metal Gear Rising Revengeance)Where stories live. Discover now