⚡🌸Lightning Fire Stings Part 2⚡🌸

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I was a bit afraid to question Raiden. He was clearly on edge. We were on the still peaceful-looking streets, at least to me. Raiden however looked like he was looking for something. He made sure I stood close by him. Only for a moment, Raiden turned away from me.

I suddenly felt myself get yanked away from Raiden. I let out a scream. "R-RAID-E!!" My words get caught off, as I get yanked back into an alley.  I could hear Raiden swearing, anger gathering in his mouth.

"___!!" Raiden called out. Whipping his head, left and right. Pulling out his blade, just as the enemy showed their selves to him.

A sharp blade was held up to me. Strong dangerous metal arms held me back. "Don't you dare move women." The man hissed behind me. "MOVE." He ordered. Swallowing I stepped forward. I had no weapon, nothing to fight back with. I was up against a strong cyborg, his grip could easily snap my arms if he wanted.

I stepped out of the alley with the one who captured me. Raiden's eyes widen, checking to see if I was unharmed from a distance. This disgusted him. "Let her go, she is unarmed." Raiden hissed, trying to cut a deal. "Not a chance, hah!" The man hissed behind me, pulling me down the street farther away from Raiden. I swallow feeling the cold metal pressed up against me. I was suddenly boxed in by four cyborg men.

"I don't want to fight, now let us pass." Raiden spoke louder to the gang. The men laughed in Raiden's face. Shaking their heads. "No way man, If you do not fight. WE Will Beat Her."

'B-beat me!?' I gasped. I looked into Raiden's eyes from a distance, worry-filled his eyes. "I SAID I Will Not fight!" Raiden said once again, his tongue getting sharper. They were testing his patients.

"OH? are you sure about that?" I felt the metal press onto my arm. "N-no..!" I said in a low voice, the knife about to cut my arm. My heart began to speed up with shock. "WAIT!, Don't YOU DARE"

"HAHAHA!THen Fight, it's easy. ARe you a soldier or not?" The threatened Raiden.

'Can I not have a signal day of rest?!' Raiden told himself, as his blood began to boil. I see his eyes beginning to flash a deep crimson. Raiden was beginning to be in ripper mode, he was getting darker, his words harsher, he looked very angry. Even his armour glowed red.

"Come now, what would Sam think hm?" He laughed at Raiden, still holding back. Raiden was beginning to crack, seeing me trapped by dangerous cyborgs. Unable to defend myself made him angry. "Don't you bring that up now....." Raiden hissed. He playfully held up his sword, with a dark look on his head. 

"So you want to fight

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"So you want to fight...., well I guess I should give you your death wish. It's time for Jack to Let' Er RIP!" Raiden's very words sent chills down my spine. He was getting very serious. Raiden begins to charge at us. I suddenly get tossed over to the side and grabbed harshly by another evil cyborg. "TCH- HEy!" I hissed at the man. "Shut it!" I was suddenly slapped across the face. IT rang in the streets. Raiden just finished cutting down one opponent, his eyes shot up at my yelp. 'How..dare they slap her..'

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