⚡Another One??⚡

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The engine of the motorcycle roared while Raiden drove us to Solis. I was lucky to have worn a helmet because I wasn't that fond of sand. We were in the middle of nowhere, only the desert road ahead.

When Raiden suddenly slammed the breaks on, making me nearly fly off the back seat,

"T-HEY! What's the big IDEA?!" I gasped, slapping Raiden's back. He didn't answer me..., so I followed his line of sight. My eyes landed on another man that looked like a cyborg in the distance. He had a katana in his hand.

"W-who is that?" I still got no reply, as I got off the bike just like Raiden. The man just stood there with a calm look on his face. He had deep brown hair tied into a ponytail. His face looked more human.

I was curious about this cyborg.

I was about to step past Raiden. When his big arm came out and blocked me from stepping forward. "No ___, don't get any closer." His voice was low and deeper.

" His voice was low and deeper

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"W-why..??" The cyborg walked closer slowly. He didn't seem threatening.

"No way..., I swear I killed you." Raiden passed by me, pushing me back a bit more with his arm. Telling me to stay put. 'What's his problem...' I huffed a bit.

"Just who are you, there is no way you are who I think you are."

"Hah.haha.." A chuckle roared from the unknown cyborg. He flashed a playful shit-eating grin. "What's this Rrraiden, forgot your old friend already?"

Furrowing his eyebrows Raiden glared at the cyborg that stepped closer to him. His hand was reaching back to his high-frequency blade. "Ah ah, noope no need for that now...J..a..c.k"

'This man is messing with Raiden, how does he know him??' I tried to step closer.

"I said back up." Raiden's stern voice made my breath skip a beat. "He's dangerous..."

'Pfft..sure, so are you..man." I whispered. Raiden sighed at my words.

"Explain NOW, why you look like him. Sam."

'Sam? I heard that name before.'

"Hahaha..! Raiden. Can't you tell I'm not here to fight." Then his head tilted towards me." Oooo who's this Raiden?" Instantly Raiden' drew his sword and held it up, trying to block that man from me. "Get away from her." Hissed the blonde.

"Tch.., really man? I said I'm not going to fight." The man that Raiden called Sam just flicked his sword away and made his way closer to me. Raiden slightly panicked that this figure he supposedly killed a while back was now standing before him.

"Hello there, you are a friend of this man?" He eyed my armoured leather attire. "Trained for combat interesting, but not a cyborg or robot. Noo... full human."

"Yes Raiden..?" Suddenly the blade ended up at the brunette's throat. "Name NOW."

"Haa...fine. Yes my name is Sam. However, I am not the same Sam as the one you slayed. I am a ai created to look exactly like him, voice, touch, skills, virtually everything besides the fact he was mostly human. I am not human at all."

"Like..Monsoon.." It suddenly it the both of us.

"Right." Replied Sam.

"Now will you drop your sword from my neck?"

"Tch.. fine..." I watch as Raiden dropped the blade from Sam's neck.

"Ah...nice to meet you Sam." I replied, yet for some reason, Raiden was not happy that I was greeting him so casually.

"Why are you here?" Raiden shot a question.

"I was just out for a walk, I live differently unlike that ai monsoon. I live how I want."

"Hmmm.., I assume you have memories of your past self."

Sam nods. "So.. you are neither a friend nor an enemy," I say. Sam hands me a piece of paper with his codec radio frequency written on it.

"I like you women.., seeing as you are such good friends with men like Raiden. I'll..give you this. If you require help in battle, maybe give me a call."

'Seriously?!' Raiden gawks at me taking the paper.

"Thanks, I'll think about it." Raiden stepped up next to me. "Okay times up, Sam we need to go, places to be."

"Ah of course."

Raiden shooed me over to his bike, not wanting to give Sam another chance to talk to me. We passed by Sam, he only waved at us with a bright smile.

'If that was true, I guess he's a free man now. Free to be however he wants. Not having the taste of battle to kill the innocent anymore.'

"Until we can be for sure, stay away from him. Alright____?" Raiden glanced at me a bit as he drove.


"Haa..look. Sam was a mass killer. He was extremely dangerous, even if he is a ai now. Not wanting to kill any more innocent. He needs to prove that."

"Okay.. I get it Raiden. Sorry for stressing you out there." I remembered seeing Raiden's face panic as Sam stepped closer to me.

"Next stop Soli."

The Light In A Storm  Raiden X Reader (Metal Gear Rising Revengeance)Where stories live. Discover now