X - Terrified

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>:) Mwahahahaha...


Chapter Ten

I could smell another person, perhaps a warlock. It definitely wasn't a human.

The steps creaked loudly when my feet touched them, and I was sure that he knew I was coming.

It seemed that I was correct, because once I reached the doorway, it swung open and revealed a tall and muscular man. He had a stake, and seems to be convinced that it could actually hurt me, seeing how he soon sent it directly at my chest the second that he saw me.

I grabbed his wrist before the stake touched me, and pressed my fingers into his skin. He cried out in pain as I broke every bone in his wrist, and dropped the stake. He sunk slightly, and I took that to my advantage, kicking his leg out from under him and making him fall to his knees. I let go of his wrist, and backhanded him across the face, causing a facial fracture as I did so. When he was on the ground unconscious, I buried his own stake deep in his heart.

I looked up, biting my lip.

There he was, right where I had seem him before when he was getting tortured by Agnes. He was hanging limp, his head down and his breathing laboured.

I had to get him out of here.

I went straight up to him, ripping the chains from the walls before pulling them off his hands. I ignored the burns I had gotten from the vervain that was on the chains; Diego was much more important.

He fell into my arms, and I caught him before lifting him with ease. I put his right arm over my shoulders, and put my left arm around his waist in order to hold him up easily.

I sped out of the church and into the compound, then took him into the bathroom in his room, holding him up with my left arm and turning on the water in the shower before bringing him in. I needed to make sure that he wasn't hurt.

I pulled him into the shower, holding his weakened body up. He leaned against me before I pushed him back in order to remove his shirt. I tore the grey t-shirt that he wore straight down the middle, then tore the other pieces off of him.

The blood, the majority of it undried, washed off almost instantly. I checked his skin everywhere, including his back.

"Rose..." He whispered as I checked his right arm. His eyes were still closed, he was unconscious. He was too weak, he needed to feed.

The bags and bottles of blood were too far away, and my blood was stronger. I could feed him and wake him up within minutes.

I threw off my jacket, leaving my torso in only my dark grey tank top that now stuck to my skin from the water pouring down onto it. I moved his head down to my shoulder, and his subconscious did the rest.

I felt his fangs sink into my skin as he sucked the blood from my veins. The more blood he took, the less he needed my help. He was now able to stand up on his own, and had snaked his arms around my waist. He pulled me closer, likely loving the taste of my blood.

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