CXXXI - Both At Fault

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I've been looking forward to writing this chapter since I saw this episode :D


I hope you guys do too :3


Chapter One Hundred & Thirty-One

The hurricane arrived a little earlier than before. I had almost expected Klaus to spend the night with Aurora, but he did not. He came home, and as soon as I heard the sounds of shattering glass and splintering wood, I knew that I would be able to practically feel his rage.

I was correct.

I finally heard the two of them speaking, and that was right as Klaus tackled Elijah over a table. They threw a few punches, then Elijah grabbed Klaus' coat and shoved him backwards. His brother slid on the surface of the table. The hybrid growled and jumped to his feet, darting towards Elijah, who took a defensive stance.

But I stepped in front of Elijah, stopping Klaus and shoving him back. I kept a hand out in front of the two of them.

"Stop this!" I shouted angrily. "It's pointless!"

"What he did to Aurora... To me. Roseia, he set my course!" Klaus roared.

"I protected you," Elijah whispered, anger flaring up in him. "I protected our family! Aurora was the sister of a lunatic, and a powerful lunatic at that! Father was in pursuit, what was I supposed to do, Niklaus?! Despite every one of your despicable deeds, Roseia and I are the only ones who have ever stood by you!"

"And why is that?! I know why Rose stayed, but what about you?" Klaus darted forwards, and I shoved him backwards again. "Guilt! You were guilty! You knew that your secret betrayal was the cause of everything that I became!"

Klaus darted around me before I could stop him, and punched Elijah, who in turn kicked him in the chest and pushed him back a few feet. Elijah went at him to hold his throat, likely wanting to push him against a wall long enough to convince him otherwise. But that did not work, because Klaus grabbed his arm and sank his teeth into it.

Elijah cried out in pain, and I shot to them. I ripped them apart, standing in front of Elijah once again. Elijah wasn't the one angry, he was trying to defend himself and getting enraged at the same time. It was Klaus that I needed to hold at bay.

Klaus hit the wall behind him, leaving a fairly large dent in it. He didn't fall, though. He just glared at me, while Elijah was on his knees. He climbed up to a standing position, almost unaffected by the bite at this point.

"All this blame!" Elijah screamed at him, and Klaus looked him in the eyes while Elijah had an expression of fury lingering on his face. "Will you ever look at yourself? I have carried you for centuries, Niklaus. No more. You wanna fight? So be it."

With that being said, they once again ran at each other, and instead of pushing them backwards, I grabbed them both by the throat and held them tightly. They were just barely far enough apart. I didn't hold them tightly enough to strangle or choke them, but enough to hold them where they were.

"I said, stop!" I said, my voice raised so loudly at that point that it actually managed to echo in the courtyard.

They both looked at me with wide eyes for a moment, but I heard their breathing begin to slow. Their hearts beat a little slower afterwards, and I knew that holding them apart was indeed helping. It helped me to calm a little too when I saw that they weren't as angered.

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