CHAPTER 49. One Call Away

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Cross's pov

   I leaned on the wall and waited for River and Raven to be done talking in the office, my jaw ticking as I listened to everything said.

"I'll talk to Cyprus about it," River told my Raven dismissively, like Lion and I, not wanting to get involved with the pesky creatures.

"Will you really?" Raven asked doubtfully, her voice small and soft. I looked to the side as Dune walked over to me, meeting my eyes seriously.

"Cross," he paused and I raised an eyebrow. "About what you did, just, be careful?"

I rolled my eyes and looked away from him. "Of course, I'm not stupid, I'm not going to trigger her, I'm smarter than that."

Dune frowned. "Well, she sounded pretty freaked out to me,"

I glared at him. "Fuck off, I was careful, nothing happened, she's fine, in fact, she's better than fine."

Dune raised his hands. "Fine, sorry for offending you," he stilled and I nodded, making him continue. "I'm just worried about her, she's always been outgoing, but I'm worried there's something going on, and she's not talking about it."

I glanced at River's office. "Raven has always been like this, we've changed, not her,"

Dune froze and stared at me. "I didn't think you'd be the one to say something like that," he stopped when I narrowed my eyes. "No offence, stop glaring, I just can't believe I hadn't thought of that."

I looked over at the door as it opened, Dune disappearing back down the stairs. "Are you going to talk to the Dragon?" I asked, and River shook his head shortly.

"No, I'm not," he gazed at me. "I don't get involved in other supernatural anymore, much less their bickerings,"

I smirked. "You told little Raven you would though, her heart is going to break,"

River narrowed his eyes, his gaze cold. "Watch yourself, Cross,"

I smiled, fangs bright. "No, you watch yourself, because I can promise you if you keep slipping up, Raven isn't going to run to you first anymore."

River scoffed. "What? Because you spank her now? Is that a thing we're doing?"

I laughed sarcastically. "No, it's what I'm doing, you just yell at her," I sneered and River shook his head.

"Cross, spare me your jealousy, we already have enough problems as it is, imagine if we all fought amongst ourselves, on top of everything else?"

My eyes flashed red. "I only have problems with you, you just lied to her,"

River scoffed, but guilt swam in his stupid fucking blue eyes. "And you don't?"

I ran a hand through my hair. "I do, I lie, I get mad at her, but at least I'm trying, you're still the same vampire that picked her up that day at the funeral. Here soon, she's going to love me more than you,"

River shook his head and walked past me. "Go ahead and try Cross, but don't you make her stress because she can tell you're causing problems,"

I looked at my hand, eyes bright red. "You underestimate me, and I can promise she won't be stressing from me."

Raven's pov

  I scowled as I sat on River's desk, knowing full well River was lying to me. He never lied to me, so when he did, it was fairly obvious.

One time, on my birthday, he lied about where he was taking me, trying to surprise me, but I could tell and figured the whole thing out.

I knew why none of them wanted to get involved in Shade's mess, it was understandable, but Shade was my friend, and he had helped me with the math teacher, and Fin told me he came to the house to demand where I was after I had been kidnapped.

He was a real true friend, how could I not return the favor, when he was clearly in serious danger?

I hopped off the desk, ignoring to slight burn in my butt as I began opening drawers to River's desk. He had a book, with all the 'leaders' or powerful supernatural in our area, or people that he was friends with.

If I found it, maybe I could give this Alpha a call and tell him what was going on. It seemed Leo was keeping firm tabs on Shade, so the real Alpha probably didn't know what was happening.

I grinned and grabbed the green book, feeling triumphant as I hopped back on River's desk, opening the large book in my lap. I ran my fingers along the names and scowled, realizing I couldn't remember the name.

It had started with an A, hadn't it? Abraham? Adrian?

I scrolled down the names, reading a few, the names familiar, recalling River talking about them. Caledon, one of their close friends, I had met him once, he was an odd character for sure.

Aaron! Here it was! I picked up the phone in River's office and clicked the buttons before placing the Phone to my ear, waiting.

I wiggled on the desk nervously as it rang, butterflies filling my stomach. "Hello?" His voice as deep, like he had just gotten out of bed.

"Hi," I whispered, feeling strangely shy and nervous, my fingers twirling around my hair anxiously. "I'm a friend of Shade, your cousin,"

There was a pause and I heard him exhale. "Oh?" He said simply, giving nothing away.

"Y-yes, sir, I uhm," I felt my face burn at my stumbling. "Leo, your wanna be brother is trying to take over the pack, and he even said he'd kill me if I tried to help. Wasn't that mean? Shade is trying to loyal, but they're hurting him, and they were even at his house, I kicked one of them, and they smacked into a tree, like bam!" I babbled and paused as Aaron was quite silent. "Hello?"

"Yes, I'm here," he paused and I waited, wiggling on the desk some more. "This is a vampires number, River, yes? Are you a vampire as well?"

You just heard your pack in danger and that's what you're asking me with your 'deep as an ocean' voice? "No, I'm not a vampire," I told him and glanced at the office door.

"Hmm, well then, I suppose I'll be coming back from my trip early then, thank you..."

"My name is Raven, Raven Light," I blurted and flushed when he laughed.

"Thank you... Raven," My eyes fluttered closed as he said my name in a low tone. "I'll thank you in person when I kill my brother."

"Good luck, Alpha Aaron, sir, whatever," I put the phone back, grasping my chest and gasping, face on fire. What the hell?! Why am I so embarrassing?!

I climbed off the desk and ran out of River's office, jumping onto the railing and sliding down the stairs, jumping off as I reached the bottom, landing on my feet. "I'm sleepy," I told Fin, who looked at me with wide eyes.

"Sleepy?" He repeated teasingly. I nodded and slid in front of him, hands behind my back as I smiled up at him.

"And hungry, make me food?" I pleaded, batting my lashes at him. Fin smiled slightly as I grabbed his hand and tugged him towards the kitchen.

"Alright, what do you want?"

I sent him a cheeky smile. "Pancakes?"

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