CHAPTER 79. Chains And Stolen Property

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 OkAy, OkaY, listen guys, *wipes tears from eyes* I have something to say,

First, thanks for reading, love your comments! Now, let me tell you about this reader, *giggles* anyways, so, they leave rant, about how they're not going to read anymore, because, I, the amazing author, added things that weren't in the tags.

*snorts loud enough to rival a hippo* guys, they didn't even get half way through the story, they have no idea, rofl.

They also complained about the added characters - okay... who are we getting rid of to make this idiot happy? Fallon? NIcholas? Bitch, not happening.

They were like, sorry for the rant, and I'm just like, Bitch, I deleted your comment, 😝

Hehe, 👏😇 I'm feeling savage today!

  I came to several realizations as I found myself coming to consciousness. One, I was blind folded, two, my hands were tried above me, and three, I was fairly certain I was standing on a chair.

I slowly licked my dry lips, trying my best not to panic. It was silent all around me, and it had been a long time since I had been in a situation like that.

Despite the fact that I was kidnapped, the complete silence was nice. My thoughts were calm as well, mostly because I really didn't want to freak out, it wouldn't do me any good.

I shifted, hearing a door open. Oh my shit, it's happening, I held my breath and cried out as the chair was kicked out from under me, my tightly bound hands suddenly taking my weight.

My blind fold was taken off, and I winced, slowly blinking to adjust to the bright light. I met light blue eyes, eyes that belonged to River. I heard the soft closing of a door and looked over, seeing Aaron, a soldier standing in front of the door, looking straight forward, standing at attention.

I gulped and looked at up my hands, thinking this would almost be fun, if it weren't for the situation at hand.

"Raven," River called my name and I looked at him instantly, he wore an odd but familiar expression, it was hard to explain. Like he was looking at a new trophy, but then at the same time looking at someone he did or could care for. "That is your name? Isn't it?"

I nodded timidly, gazing at him with wide eyes, not flinching away from the soft but rough brush of his finger tips along my cheek. In fact, instead of pulling away, I had to remind myself not to lean into the touch. "Comfortable?" He asked slowly, and I stared, unable to speak.

I'd usually snap something like, 'do I look comfortable bitch?' but I could hardly form thoughts, much less speak them, I was so shocked and unsure.

I looked away from them and frowned. "I want to offer you a deal," Aaron said shortly and I slowly looked at him.

"Another deal?" I asked softly, trying to wrap my mind around the new situation. It seemed every time I blinked something new was going on around me.

Aaron nodded and gazed at River, who pulled back slightly, a smile on his face. "A deal, life or death really," he said easily, seeming distracted as I shifted, eyes widening further.

"Life or death?" I repeated uneasily, that didn't sound good at all. Relation that I was trapped and hanging from the ceiling hit me hard, and a small whimper left my lips, eyes watering.

Aaron approached, our heights the same from my slightly painful predicament. He shushed me softly, eyes searching my face.

"Yes, life or death, I, we, could offer you a life without any suffering, and in return you'll forget all about your old playthings," his fingers touched my temple and I swallowed anxiously.

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