▷45◁ ZhiZhi's yuanshen lamp.

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The family went home happily.

When Lin Qingya went to clean up the place for the black dog to live in the future, the black dog happily went with him to clean up his own room and Zhizhi the small ball, lying contentedly in the arms of Guangling Xianjun.

Her little head rested on her father's shoulder, and her hairy ears were trembling on his smooth cheeks. She hummed and asked, 

"Father, will you take Zhizhi down the mountain to play in the future?"

She likes to play, but most of all I like to play with my dad.

The little guy was so tired today, he was obviously sleepy, but her eyes were full of happiness. Immortal Guangling rubbed his cub's hairy ears and said, 

"Of course. Fangshi is not interesting. After a few days. I'll take you out to other places for more walks."

What's the point of always being stuck in the mountains.

Guangling Xianjun is a person who likes to roam everywhere.

Naturally, I don't think I should throw my cubs in a sect that doesn't make any sense.

Zhizhi's eyes lit up, she thought of something again, and hurriedly waved her hand and said, 

"Well, then, I have to wait for the disciple to enter the door."

Although the fox cub also likes to play,she was very moved when she heard that her father was going to take her out to play, but Thinking about the collapsed voice of the head teacher when her father left, it was rare for the little guy to feel a little sympathy for the head teacher.

If he went out at this time, Master Chief would probably not be able to sleep at night again.

It will also catch fire.

She still remembered that the first sect accepted the disciples, and Guangling Xianjun made a sign for the sect before going out to play.

This kind of caring, if the head teacher knows about it, I am afraid that it will be too moved.

Guangling Xianjun grinned, squeezed his daughter's fat cheeks and said, 

"Got it. Listen to you."

He was so patient and gentle, Zhizhi suddenly smiled, humming "I want father", while sticky lean over.

Of course, she is still sleeping in the main hall of Guangling Xianjun.

As for the black dog, he was afraid of the breath of the immortal rank powerhouse on Guangling Immortal Monarch. He was suffocated by the pressure of the powerhouse beside him, and although he followed Zhizhi back to the Vientiane Sect, he still could not completely give up on Fang Shi. .

Therefore, Lin Qingya arranged it in the clean room next to the side hall. In the future, the big black dog will live in the Vientiane Sect, or go down the mountain from time to time to play and work happily.

After everything was settled, the fox cub and the big black dog ate some spiritual fruit and rested.

When she curled up in the hall of Immortal Lord Guangling and fell asleep again, this sleep was extraordinarily sweet.

Guangling Xianjun did not disturb his daughter's rest, but he rarely listened to his cub's words and spent the next few days in the main hall to repair, and did not go anywhere else.

The headmaster was relieved.

When Xianjun Guangling mentioned it intentionally or unintentionally, saying that Zhizhi thought about the hard work of the teacher, and persuaded himself not to go out, the heart full of conspiracy and darkness softened.

 "Our family Zhizhi, it's really good." 

The mountain that was once deserted and unpopular is now full of laughter and laughter from little guys.

The headmaster stood at the entrance of the main hall, watching a big black dog happily jumping around with the equally happy fat fox cub in the beautiful sea of ​​flowers not far away.

The happy appearance of the two little friends was brighter than the sky.

He pretended to wipe the corners of his eyes, and he also looked at Huahai, but there was no big black dog in his eyes, only his own cub, Immortal Guangling, said with a smile, 

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