Chapter 2 Rebirth

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With a clatter, a ladle of ice water was splashed on his face, piercingly cold.

Li Yuanmin had a splitting headache and opened his eyes in a trance.He was guarded by two inner servants, and in front of him stood two noble youths in fancy clothes and crowns.

The slightly taller youth sneered like a snake and scorpion at the corners of his mouth, while the other was full of anger:"It's all your fault, you bastard! I lost to the emperor!"

Li Yuanmin shook his head. Since he became emperor, he has not been in such a mess for many years. He spat out the cold water that was poured into his mouth, and became confused in his heart.The speaker was Li Yuanxu, the fourth prince, and the other... was the second prince, Li Yuanlang.

But haven't they both died in the rebellion? How is it still in front of you, and how does it look like such a young man?And how did you... how did you come back to life?

Seeing all the familiar and unfamiliar things around him, Li Yuanmin's head hurt again and again, and a terrifying thought occurred spontaneously, which made him chill.Li Yuanxu saw that he was sluggish and didn't speak for a long time.

Today, he had tried archery with his elder brother Li Yuangan. In order to please the princes, the servants of the Chamber of Internal Affairs went to Yeyouting and brought a group of slaves over. The live target was naturally much more interesting than the lifeless grass target. The interest was high, you chased me, and the slaves who were shot were divided into five and five. In the end, there was only one flexible little slave running away on the hunting ground. No matter what, Li Yuangan was from Jin. I only ordered the entourage to collect the bow and promised him when he was resting in the fur tent. If he could kill the little slave in the space of three sticks of incense, he would have the right to win, and the government envoy of Western Yunnan in the government would present it to him. The ruby ​​coral that came is his.

Ruby Coral is a rare encounter in a century, but it is a rare treasure. The father's birthday is imminent, and this competition has to be won no matter what. Taking advantage of the snack, Li Yuanxu quietly instructed Li Yuanmin to give the little slave a soft muscle. .

But he didn't want to, but this lowly bastard who was usually silent on weekdays set him up, and the soft tendons were scattered directly. He was so tired that he was panting and opened the bow for more than half an hour. Instead, he was more and more spirited, not to mention the shot, not even the edge of the arrow feathers.

This time, Hong Yushan was completely out of action, and he had to be ridiculed by Li Yuanqian. This taught him how to hold his breath. When he returned to the palace, he sent someone to tie Li Yuanmin over and clean it up.

With a gloomy face, he winked at the servant.

Li Yuanmin was dragged up, his chin was pinched by Li Yuanxu, and he bowed fiercely from side to side, but he heard two muffled noises, and the wet pale cheeks instantly became red, swollen and bloodshot.

However, Li Yuanmin not only did not have the slightest pain in his expression, but he laughed, and he was out of breath, as if mad.

"You... what are you laughing at?"

Li Yuanxu was heartbroken by his laughter, and Li Yuenlang, who was behind him, also stared at him suspiciously.

But he still laughed, burst into tears, trembling all over, and his description was twisted.

Li Yuanxu was startled, and secretly thought that this fellow is crazy?

If the other party is really good or bad, he is not afraid that the emperor will be angry because of it. The emperor may hate this bastard as much as him. He is afraid that the civil servants of the previous dynasty will write like snowflakes. At that time, the emperor will take care of the officials Face also punish him a little.

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