Extra 3

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Zhang Taishi hesitated for a moment, and finally walked up lightly. He calmly added tea, but Yu Guang carefully looked at the Lord of the World in front of him.

 "Your Majesty, the King of Chang'an has been kneeling for two days, and the sky is about to change soon... These three spring rains are really cold."

 The emperor who didn't argue with his anger and anger sneered: "Is this king of Chang'an, who has pacified the Japanese, is such a sick Xi Shi, he can't stand it for two days after kneeling?"


 Mrs. Zhang had served the emperors of two dynasties, but she was cautious and cautious. Looking at Emperor Qing's face, she finally swallowed all the words that followed, and only raised her hand to hold the ink and grind it for His Majesty.

 Emperor Qing picked up the pen and was full of thick ink. The yellowish zhangerxuan in front of him had already been spread out, but Emperor Qing's pen had not yet fallen. Before he knew it, a drop of ink fell, dizzying the zhangerxuan into an endless piece. Stretching pitch black.

 Qing Emperor Yingting's brows wrinkled, Chu'er flicked his fingers but threw the wolf's hair, slapped his palm on the table, and the sound of a flat roar made Zhang Taishi take a few steps back and hurriedly knelt on the ground. The young servant Qingdi had not seen this emperor so angry for a long time, he did not dare to speak out, he just bowed at the emperor's feet and was extremely obedient.

 Emperor Qing's chest rose and fell for a long time, and then he lifted his feet and went outside.

 Zhang Taishi hurriedly got up and followed.

 The sky had completely darkened, and the occasional rumbling of thunder added a bit of chill to this early spring night. Under the fallen catalpa tree, there is a person kneeling. He is wearing only a single coat, his head is lowered, and his face is very handsome. When it is so dark, it is like a dizzy pearl, which makes people feel at a glance. You can see his presence.

 But even such a person with a face like a good woman, she is also a general of Chi Yan, who is extremely physically strong and waits for the day. With a Rakshasa mask, he ordered thousands of troops to kill the Japanese.

 Emperor Qing looked gloomy, stared at him for a long time, and finally walked away.

 A roar, dazzling thunder and lightning illuminated the whole world, and Chu Er was submerged in the warm and hoarseness again, first dripping in a low voice, and then the rain became louder, as if the heaven had knocked over a jade bottle. The world poured water reluctantly.

 Looking at the departing back, Li Xuanci sighed, closed his eyes, and let the raindrops hit his face.

 The night was getting darker, and the cold air penetrated into the bones like the tip of a needle from all parts of the body, making people cold to the bottom of their hearts. Since the war in the southern frontier has ended, the world has become clear. He has not been so embarrassed for a long time. As if he couldn't feel it, he only smiled bitterly, moved his knees slightly, and straightened his waist again.

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