Chapter 64

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The sky is heavy, and the morning mist is engulfed, it is overcast and cold, the horse gallops, and the cold winter wind cuts on the face, faintly painful, Huang Lie did not pay attention at all, only his eyes were red. ? Half leaned over and stared ahead.

The outskirts of the camp was still in the vast morning, and the soldiers on patrol watched from a distance as the coach rushed towards them with horses, and hurriedly stepped forward and bowed.

?? "Call—"

The horse stopped abruptly, and the forefoot was suspended high in the air, and suddenly fell on the ground. The horse hurriedly turned over and got off the horse, threw the rein to the soldier, and hurriedly went to the camp.

?? Cao Gang was still in his sleep, caught off guard by a huge force to pull from the bed.

?? After seeing the red-eyed coach, Cao Gang made a big jump: "Big...sir?"

Ye Lie breathed hot, and his face was like a Rakshasa. He grabbed his flap: "The Emperor Chao Yuan... can I have a good burial?"

?? Cao Gang didn't know for a while, so: "What do you mean, my lord?"

?? Yan Lie angered: "You will answer whatever I ask!"

?? Cao Gang swallowed, and hurriedly replied: "It was buried according to the emperor's ritual system."

?? All rebellions in troubled times have always been famous for their teachers, and the Red Tiger Army is naturally no exception. Cao Gang personally drafted a thief book, and a million army broke through the capital under the name of "the side of the Qing emperor", and died of self-defense. The former emperor of China, naturally has to make a big fuss and burial heavily in order to appease the world.

?? That first-life puppet, although it ended up with a cut face and hanged himself, it was not enough. After death, it would still be drained of the last point of use value.

?? There is nothing wrong with this, and he loosened his collar and thoughts. Of course, this is nothing wrong. Since it is nothing wrong, then he asked what to do, and he irritably pinched his fingers into the roots of the hair.

?? Suddenly, there was a heavy heartbeat—Is he the one who forced him to death?

?? Thinking of this, his face changed suddenly, and he stood up suddenly, remembering that Sima Yu hurriedly entered the camp with the imperial decree. The imperial emperor Taoist Emperor Yuan was willing to welcome the Red Tiger King as the husband of the two sexes. The birth of the dragon is the future. The lord of the world.

?? At that time, he only thought it was ridiculous, a Sima family's pamper in the tent, how worthy to share this wonderful river and mountains with him! He ruthlessly tore up the bright yellow imperial decree and ordered the attack!

??-So he forced him to death back then?

?? For such a person, Qian Qian went to the dilapidated palace alone. What was he thinking at the time? He would cry even if the kiss was harder, so how did he endure the severe pain and cut his face? How could he think that even if he cut his face, he could hardly escape the destiny of being insulted?

?? Wei Lie slowly closed his eyes, clenched his fist tightly, and the joints turned white.

?? Although he didn't understand what happened, Cao Gang felt a crisis from his questioning and his attitude. A terrible thought came to his heart, which made him feel more flustered than it had been a few days ago.

?? The Scarlet Tiger King is very wrong.

?? This master of the world, seemingly cold-blooded and ruthless, murderous, but he will do some incredible contradictory things, his previous life has been in the world, but the most important thing is pushed forward by him. Thinking of his childhood kindness, he spent half a month looking for the court lady who was kind to him when he was a child.

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