Chapter 56

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After six or seven days of intermittent heavy rain, it finally stopped, and the sky was completely clear.

?? Two days later, Governor Xue Da was finally found. His corpse floated up in the lower reaches of the Cangjiang River. When he was found, he was bound with a strong rope, and his clothes were still wrapped with incomplete talisman paper along the way. Jiang'an also found ceremonial objects such as incense burners, candles, etc.? Obviously, he was killed by the remnants of the pirates and sacrificed to the heavens to comfort the dead.

?? Xue Zaixing's body has been soaked in the muddy Cangjiang water for two days, and no one can discern his face. If it weren't for the governor's service, and the concubine in the backyard, he could be identified by the birthmarks of the physical body. No one knew that this swollen man was actually Xue Zaixing, the court official who ordered the army of the two rivers and three provinces.

The matter has come to this point, Wei Yan dare not conceal anymore, and hastened to deliver the letter to Gyeonggi.

?? Tangtang Yipin Governor actually died at the hands of thieves, the emperor was furious, the imperial edict came so quickly, the Imperial Court Zuodu Yushi cooperated with the Criminal Department officials to get up overnight and rushed to Jiangbei Camp to deal with the matter. Because of the involvement of such an official rank, even the eldest prince Li Yuangan was alarmed and went south with the team of Beijing officials.

After this accident, the water exercise was suspended. All three armies were stationed at the Xiling camp and waited for their orders. From the year to the new year, there was no joy to welcome the New Year. A cloud of clouds hovered over the Jiangbei camp.

?? The night is as cold as water, and the sound of the wind suddenly rises, rather unquiet.

?? Ye Lie was closing his eyes in the camp, and a notice came from the door. Cao Gang looked at the face of the person in front of him, and then let people come in.

?? It's a postman.

?? "Master participating, this is a letter from Lingnan."

?? Lingnan, that can only be from Guang'an Palace.

?? Cao Gang couldn't help looking at Ye Lie, the person in front of him didn't show any special expressions, he just took the letter over and waved people back. He tore it open and glanced coldly, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

?? As if it didn't matter, he just threw the letter paper on the table, and Cao Gang saw the word "Pangui".

"Chi..." Cao Gang immediately changed his words: "My lord, this King of Guang'an..."

?? As if knowing what he was going to say, Qian Lie had already coldly raised his eyes before he could say anything, and Cao Gang suddenly closed his mouth.

The atmosphere was more or less stalemate. For a while, Ji Lie slowed down and said displeased: "It's been two lifetimes, and you still can't fix this kind of benevolence!"

?? Cao Gang quickly paid his respects.

?? Yan Lie glanced at him, took out a white object from his arms, and threw it on the table.

?? That is a white handkerchief, and the dark embroidery of a few orchids on the face of the handkerchief. It is very elegant. A man in the army like Wei Lie is not the gentleman who usually uses the veil. It's a gift.

?? And who this lover is, naturally speaks for itself.

?? This kind of trick between lovers, the person in front of him is obviously not interested, he only took sarcasm and took another piece from the box on the side.

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