Well-Hidden (Neymessi)

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WARNING¡¡Suicide attempt, too sad for ya'll softie bbs tbh.

Remember babes, you've been warned :)


It's hard when you have to bottle your feelings up for someone you know, and you're close with. It'd even harder when you have to face them nearly everyday, and resist the urge to jump on the elder and kiss him. It's just..hard. There's no perfect word to describe this feeling.

2 years into FC Barca, and he's already fucked. Why? Messi. It almost feels like his fellow team-mate will be the death of him. But at the same time, it almost feels too anguish to even begin with. He always watches how he throws himself onto his beloved Girlfriend, showering her with kisses.

And Neymar's stuck in a heartbreak from Bruna. All the blame goes to him, and it makes the whole situation even more anguish. It takes his focus away, but he didn't let anyone notice that. He's afraid everyone will call him 'pathetic' and not a 'man'.

He wished to be anonymous but that couldn't be done anymore. He's already way more famous worldwide than expected. It's almost impossible to disappear from the limelight, when everyone is expectant of you to come back with news, doesn't matter what.

And these are what triggered Neymar. Triggered him in such a way, he couldn't help but to feel like a loner. Loner as in being left out completely, not in an approach of slipping away by purpose. He's exceptionally the complete opposite of a loner, so this has a massive impact on him.


After training, Neymar doesn't waste a second and starts packing up. He knew, if he'd stay longer, it wouldn't be of any use. Or maybe he was being too upset about it? To sum things up, the pressure he's taking for his age so maturedly without complaining is surprising and impressive. But, at home, he doesn't shy away to cry off the agravating pain he has to go through every single day.

He snaps out of his little pessimistic world, the plop of water on his duffel bag taking him surprise. He wiped his tears away, exiting the locker room. If things couldn't have gotten worse, he tripped over Lionel's shoe and fell with him to the floor. Lionel stood back at his feet, looking at Neymar who was brushing a bit of dust off his clothes.

- "Hey Ney..you okay? Sorry for th-" Lionel noticed how red Neymar's eyes are as he turned. Neymar just nodded, escaping from the interlude. Lionel just stood there, wondering, until Pique dragged him back inside.

By the next few minutes, most were gone. Lionel remained, since he was too tired to already leave. He decided to spare a few minutes with his friends, since that was being avoided because of the back-to-back matches they had.

Pique and Luis sat across of him, Pique chugging a bottle of water and Luis wiping off sweat and massaging his cramping legs. But, there was something Pique wanted to talk about in particular, which he thinks no one has noticed except for him. And that might be exceptionally true.

- "Hey, don't you guys think Neymar's been acting weird lately?" Lionel stared, clearly confused. He was too busy with the games and Antonella to even remember the last time he had exchanged a few words with his best friend.

- "No, he seems fine no?" Lionel scratched his head. It piqued Pique slightly, because he was the only one who was really reading Neymar. He knew the pain that the young boy was going through.

- "You sure about that Leo? Because I don't think so."

- "I agree," Luis joined in the conversation, with eyes of interest. It would've left him in pity if he really knew what Pique knew.

- "I don't know what you're talking about Ger,"

- "But you should..he's your best friend for fuck's sake!"

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