Starboy (Crismessi)

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Lionel Messi, a 20 year old commoner living in the heart of Spain, Barcelona, and happens to be a brunette. Perhaps a brunette with the most lustrous, well-kept, long brown hair. And probably also the only brunette whose hair is always aesthetically and perfectly ready from one brush to cope with the different airs and surroundings of each season of the year.

Maybe also the only brunette ever to be always ready to deal with the the ensuing chaos that every season comes with, his skin just as well-kept and gleaming from perfection all the time, no matter what the weather- almost as if his smaller-than-average frame was built to to fit into all the imperfections and perfectly imperfect chaos that no human being understood that gave the earth it's reputation that it carries with pride, now.

Almost as if he was the one of the creations of God that had an exception of being blessed with more of God's goodness and mercy, each of it visible with every strand of his gorgeous hair and his skin so milky white yet as fragile as a China vase but not enough to break under the pressure of each and every chaos that ensues in the beginning of every season which has much to offer to this visually flawed but impalpably beauteous human being that's shining with unperceivable beauteous glory that is out of sight for the rest of the world but one. One very lucky man that did not realize the fortune that he was graced with.

But oh the joy when he found out. And the ever more joy to realize that God chose him to be blessed with God's bounty and no one else- Cristiano, the name that he goes by, considers the others being not blessed as a curse. To him, not to be able to witness such unlikely beauty within the face of earth seems like a Godforsaken scar that would be grieving to live by- and be cannot imagine all the 8 billion other people living with it. Gosh how tough it must be, he sometimes sympathises.

But when he doesn't sympathise, he hurries to stay somewhere near Messi is, making sure to find some place a little secretive, and bask in the body warmth that litters his skin with goosebumps and makes his heart want to jump out of his chest.


❄️Winter-- the season that skins all the trees naked and dusts fields, houses, streets and alleys with white dust that piles up which we enjoy calling snow. It puts an end to the vibrant oranges scattered across streets and parks, covering everything in it's way with snow. A chilly breeze that now carries the emitting aromatics of pumpkin, nutmeg, and not to mention the sweet and comforting smell of chocolate that only wants to make you sit beside the window and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate of your own. Beyond a flood of white comes light splashes of green- Christmas trees of all sizes scattered around town, with a huge one decorating the city center and accentuating the season with it's joyful Christmas spirits, a star atop that shines bright at night, gleaming from dusk til dawn. People of all ages can be seen throwing snowballs at each other out of the playful childishness coming alive in this time of the year, others preparing a special meal and decorating a Christmas tree of their own, hanging wreaths outside their doors and stockings near the fireplace for kids to wake up to a pleasant surprise on Christmas eve.

But like any other season, there are pros and cons to this very cheerful and spiritual one, too. The flakes of snow becomes somewhat of a nuisance to some, always sticking in their hair and clothes and never wanting to come off as if it wants to stay there for a while as a long lasting winter present like the decorations on trees. It looks bad or just goofy on everyone, and while they try to brush it off out of annoyance, Messi smiles and carries the tiny flakes that've made their home between accessable crevices of his hair as if it was meant to be there. The shiny, vibrant and metallic colors that reflect against his eyes which makes him chuckle always, never bothering to brush the snowflakes off his hair, but instead sitting in the snow and letting himself be covered with it slowly as the sun sets between the gray clouds, the colors of the Christmas tree lights lighting up the dark night with colors much needed to accentuate this time of the year with aesthetics that are meant to contrast with the flooding whites that nobody except for this Argentine knows to accept and enjoy, without showing any gestures or wearing any tacky colors. It's always a smile that makes his rosy cheeks pertrude and his heart thump a little bit harder, knowing that somebody else is smiling with him too, doing the same, without ever having the heart to show his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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