Chapter 40: Ninja Roll

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Aria was awoken with a bright light in her face. She whined and covered her face with a pillow.

"While I wouldn't mind you skipping this, Master Chen wants all competitors to participate" Clouse says with a smirk "we both know you're not a morning person."

Aria sat up and saw him place roller skates at her bedside

"Thunderblade?" Aria asks

"good guess" Clouse said walking to the door "you know where to go, hurry up"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What about us? Are we supposed to just stand here?" Griffin questions

"You get to help anyone you wish, or hurt for that matter. You're free to choose sides. I'm not a dictator" Chen says

"Funny," Aria yawns

Everyone but Aria, Jay, and Kai chose to side with Chamille.

"What was that you sad about us having targets on our backs?" Lloyd questioned looking at the ninja

"Don't worry, we're still a team—" Kai falls again "Ah!"

Jay sighs "I gotta be honest. This doesn't look good"

Everyone takes their position.

"Lloyd, Master of Power, versus Chamille, master of Form. Most laps with their Jadeblade when time runs out wins. Loser is out. Thunderbladers on your mark, get set, good luck to everyone, but mostly Chamille because we all want the Green Ninja out. Now go!" Chen shouts and the two get a headstart

"Oh, how about some spectator ambience?" Chen presses a button to make the speakers cheer.

"A little late to ask, but do you even know how to skate Aria?" Jay asks "I mean, I've never seen you skate in all the years we've raised you."

"Well I can Ice skate." Aria replies with a smile

The others take off.

"Now it's us against the world, guys." Jay speaks to Kai and Aria "If Lloyd has any chance of moving forward in the tournament, it's up to the three of us."

Jay sees everyone pushing Lloyd "We have to give him room"

"And just how are we supposed to do that?" Kai questions

"Easy," Aria replies slamming her hands to the ground sending electrical currents to the competitors, shocking them

"Aria for the win" Jay cheered

"Nice job!" Kai compliments from behind them

"..thanks" Lloyd says

Kai pushes his way through but accidentally falls on Lloyd "Sorry"

"Guys!" Aria grabs their hands and pulls them both up "go!"

Lloyd skates off.

"Thanks." Kai says "I think I'm hurting him more then helping."

"Your strength in this seems to be falling over." Aria smiles "Just fall onto the right people."

"You're right!" Kai agrees

"Aha, let's even the playing field, shall we?" Chen activated a ramp, which Kai falls on

"Kai" Aria whines helping him back up

Shade hits Lloyd's back and Paleman grabs his Jadeblade. Jay pushes Paleman and grabs the Blade back.

"You didn't learn that in your Mother-Son Skate-Off, did you?" Lloyd asks

"It's a fierce competition, Lloyd, and this isn't the time to judge. It's the time to skate faster" Jay jumps over Kai and Griffin, who fell "Haha! Watch out for the Poison cloud!"

Lloyd and Jay skates around it but Kai goes into it. Aria used her fan to blow the poison cloud away.

"Thanks Aria" Kai calls out

Aria shook her head and caught up to Lloyd.

"Release the buggy!" Chen shouts

Jay pushes Lloyd out of the path of the Jungle Raider before he gets hit. They see Chamille holding on to the buggy.

"She has the lead and she gets a lift? I know Chen wants me out, but this is getting ridiculous" Lloyd says annoyed

"Don't worry I'll get it!" Aria rushes ahead

"Be careful!" Lloyd calls out to her

Aria goes on the side of the buggy between the wall where nobody could see. Her eyes glow purple as she freezes it with black ice to it's core. It stops running and Chamille jumps off to continue going. Aria sighs before her eyes turn back to green, she keeps following the group.

Jay pushes Tox, Griffin and Neuro grabs Jay. Griffin uses his Speed and pushes Jay into Lloyd. Kai uses his Fire to propel himself into Chamille and Jay grabs her Jadeblade. Kai uses his Fire to propel himself into Chamille and Jay grabs her Jadeblade.

"Lloyd's closing the gap, but the clock's against us" Jay said

"So is everyone else. Garmadon's right. The more we exclude everyone, the more they gang up on us" Kai says

"Gimme!" Chamille pushes Jay and steals her Blade back "I've got a job to finish"

"I'll take care of her, you help Lloyd" Aria tells Kai before following after her

Kai rides next to lloyd on the buggy "Need a lift?"

"You took the buggy" Lloyd said happily getting on

"Buttons, buttons, buttons!" Chen shouts hitting a bunch of buttons trying to stop Lloyd, but can't.

Chamille pulls Lloyd out of the buggy. The two fighters cross the finish line, but only Lloyd has the Jadeblade.

"She doesn't have her Blade!" Jay shouts

"No, no, no! He cheated! Lloyd loses!" Chen shouts

"No way, Lloyd won fair and square. You were the one who cheated" Griffin argues

Chen crossed his arms "My tournament, my rules"

"And just what rules are those? If Lloyd's out, then so am I" Paleman says

"Me too" Kai agrees

Jay nods "And me three"

"If you kick us all out, what kind of tournament will you have then?" Skylor questions

"Then- Then- the princess wins!" Chen shouts throwing a fit

Aria wraps her arms around Lloyd's arm "No way!"

Lloyd smiles and then looks at Chen.

"Fine, have it your way. Form loses" Chen opens a trapdoor under Chamille and everyone cheers.

"So, how did you stop Chamille enough for me to catch up?" Lloyd asks Aria

"Oh you know," Aria smiles "I just tripped her."

"Yeah right," Kai laughs "what'd you really do?"

"Well," Aria smirks "a lady can't reveal all her secrets can she?"

Aria glances at Garmadon who just sighed. Aria looked back at the ninja.

"Even with just the four of us, we're still strong." Kai says "I'd say that's a win."

"But only with the others will we be at our strongest," Aria adds

"You said it," Jay nods

"Alright ninja," Lloyd smiles "let's carry on with the plan."

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