Chapter 101: The League of Jay

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Time seemed to fly while in the game. The boys and girls separated not long after finishing the tutorial. Hanabusa had ordered Aria to stay in the safe zone as he and Zero ventured to find the key to exiting the game, but they never returned from their mission. Aria and Reika ended up taking side quests to level up and enjoy their time in the game.

They were heading back to the safe zone from a quest when they had a thought.

"You know, I'm surprised we haven't run into the ninja yet," Reika points out

"Maybe they're still figuring out a way into the game," Aria shrugs "Who knows what they're doing."

"I guess so, but-"

Aria stopped Reika and looked up into the trees.

"What's the matter?" Reika asks

"I think I saw something," Aria tells her, staring intently at the forest beside them.

Reika caught a glimpse and generated her bow. She pulled back the string as the arrow appeared, locked onto her target, she fired. The girls heard a shout and ran towards it.

"Are you crazy?!" The person shouted

The girls stared at the person in front of them, wearing his blue ninja gi.

"Jay?" Aria looks confused

"I'm not Jay, what is wrong with you two you could've-" the person stopped talking as he looked up at them looking startled "Woah, the purple ninja is here too!"

"Uh, yeah," Aria bent down towards him "Why are you wearing the blue ninja's gi?"

"You mean you don't know?" The kid asks "I'm part of the league of Jay, we all look up to him as he is the most awesome player in the game! He's made the most progress!"

"Jay has his own fan base?" Reika questions

"Jay's in the game?" Aria asks

"Yeah!" The kid stands up excitedly "I can take you to him, oh great purple ninja."

"Uh, yeah please," Aria smiles

The kid excitedly runs off as Aria and Reika follow him. They make it back to the city and follow the kid through various alleyways before coming to a building. The kid bows as he opens the door for them, Aria and Reika walk in to see a whole bunch of people wearing various forms of Jay's gi.

"Holy crap," Reika says "he really does have followers." She turns to Aria "Why don't you have one? You've been in this game for a while too."

"Not like many people have seen me," Aria shrugs

"Aria! Reika!"

The girls turn as they see the real Jay run towards them. Jay hugs Aria tightly and lifts her up.

"I've missed you sis!" Jay shouts excitedly over the noise

"Hey brother how's it been?" Aria giggles

"Oh, it's been great!" Jay replies excitedly as he puts her back down "What are you doing here? When did you get here?"

"About when the game came out I guess," Aria replies

"We were wedding planning at the castle when it appeared," Reika tells him "Do you know how?"

"We were chasing the Mechanic, I found this game at his layer and fixed it." Jay explains "I don't think the others found it in time to follow me in."

"I knew it," Aria smirks "This had you written all over it."

"Ha, mock me all you want but this is the coolest thing ever," Jay says

"I can agree there, but I would like to see my fiance," Aria tells him

"Yeah, and your wife Jay," Reika adds

"... Okay so maybe being trapped in a game isn't ideal," Jay rubs his head

"Well there's another problem," Aria tells him "We came in with my brother Zero and my guard Hanabusa. We haven't seen them since they tried looking for a way out."

"Oh, that means there's something about this game we can confirm then," Jay turns serious "Anyone who looks for a way out mysteriously disappears. The only true way out is to find the keytana's and beat the boss."

"And by mysteriously disappear, you mean to lose all their lives right?" Aria asks

"Yeah," Jay nods "There's a starting quest that will give you a clue to the first keytana, but I haven't gone on it yet."

"Then I guess that's what we need to do," Aria says

"It's time for the ninja to kick it in high gear!" Reika cheers

"Alright," Jay puts his hand in the middle and the girls join him "It's time for the team of Aria, Jay, and Reika to begin the prologue quest!"

They cheered as they raised their hands together "Let's get to it!"

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