Chapter 57: Public Enemy Number One

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"How do you find a Ninja?" A reporter asks

"The Ninja are still at large and public enemy number one." The Commissioner replies "We've taken their ship as well as secured their known hideouts. They will be caught and pay for their crime spree."

"I better go find the ninja," Aria says "their's only one place they can go now."

"That would be unwise."

The siblings turn to see Layla in the door, they bow to her as she walked towards them.

"What do you mean mother?" Aria asks

"Aria herself is a ninja," Zero says "If the others are in trouble she needs to find out what's going on. The ninja couldn't have possibly commited those crimes."

"Aria's reputation in the city as a princess is just starting to go up," Layla says "if she is seen with them now she will be associated with those criminals. As the queen I can only do so much, there's a reason she wasn't seen with them."

"You mean there's footage of me too?" Aria questions "but I haven't left the castle in hours."

"I know that, which is why my intervention was important," Layla states "a princess can't be seen as a criminal if she wants to be Empress."

"Regardless, they're my family," Aria tells her "I have to help them."

Aria rushes out of the castle before turning into a half dragon and flying off.

"Family huh," Layla mutters before walking out of Zero's room

Aria flew to the Mountains of Impossible Height where the ninja and Reika stood outside the old Monastery. 

"Seriously? I was the last one to figure out it was Wu's old Monastery?" Jay questions "And Lloyd wasn't even trained here"

Lloyd sighs "It'll only be a matter of time before they find this place, too, so there isn't much time. Zane, show them what you found."

"I came across security footage of Sensei at the Library of Domu, and he wasn't alone" Zane says before he shows them the footage.

"Hey, look their's Wu" Cole points at Wu reading a book before turning around frightened

"What happened? Who was he looking at?" Kai asks

The video stopped.

"And no one's seen them since" Cole says

"The library database indicated Sensei Wu had checked out a book about the Teapot of Tyrahn. We originally thought we may be dealing with Clouse. If this is what I think it is, it appears to be far worse. We may have a Djinn on our hands" Zane explains

"What's that?" Reika asks

"A Djinn" Aria says walking over to them "Djinn are like genies, only when he grants you wishes, you'll be wishing you never met him. They're very sneaking and like to twist your wishes against you."

"Aria," The ninja say happily

"There's my wife," Reika says running over and taking her arm "I was worried about you."

"Same here," Aria says turning to the group

"Do you know anything else about Djinn's?" Kai asks

Aria shakes her head "very little is known about Djinn's, even royal families or people who've been around for a long time don't know much about them."

"Alright then it's settled, we'll go to town to learn about the Djinn" Lloyd says

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. If we head back together, the police will arrest us on sight. We should split up." Cole suggests

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