Chapter 120: Seabound

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Aria sat on top of a building as she watched many trucks arrive at the remote village, driven by a bunch of crooks who are being led by Miss Demeanor.

"Well, looks like our intel was right," Aria hums

"As always," Lloyd agrees

Miss Demeanor blows a bubble of gum before it pops and she jumps out of her truck "What am I doing out here? Ah, I hate the country. I'm a city girl. New rule! From now on, we only commit crimes in the city! Unless they pay triple."

"Uh, they are paying triple, Mrs. Demeanor." one of her people reply

"It's not Mrs. Demeanor, it's Miss Demeanor!" She fires her flamethrower at her henchman "How many times do I have to say it?"

"Sorry, Miss Demeanor."

"Why'd they want to meet out here anyway?" Miss Demeanor questions annoyed "We're in the middle of nowhere!"

"Probably so those nosy ninja don't find us."

Lloyd, Kai, and Jay jump down in front of the group, dramatically revealing themselves.

"Too late for that!" Lloyd says

"Hehe," Aria laughs "my husband's so cute when he's being a ninja."

"Not now honey!" Lloyd replies

Aria jumps down from the building, landing beside the boys.

"Oh come on, I can't fangirl over my husband?" Aria puts her hands on her hips

"Well, you can," Lloyd blushes "but not now!"

"Come on lovebirds," Kai intervenes "this is why Aria took a vacation, you're making me lonely!"

The ninja face Miss Demeanor, who is rambling about waiting for this moment.

"Oh, wait, wait, wait, I had a line for this. Oh yeah, I've got a warm welcome planned!" She fires her flamethrowers at them "Get the trucks out of here. You four, get the ninja!"

The 4 dodge as the henchman attack.

"I don't get it. Why do we fight common thugs so often?" Jay questions as he knocks back one of the henchman.

"Cause we're rusty," Aria points out as she jumps over one

"Speak for yourself princess," Kai says "we've been out here working."

"Oh, and running the city isn't?" Aria questions

"No no no," Kai corrects quickly "I didn't say that, hehe."

"Guys!" Lloyd shouts, pointing to Miss Demeanor who was getting in a van.

 "So long, ninja! I hope our paths cross again!" She laughs as she gets away, but Cole appears in front of her on his dirt bike.

"How's this? Too soon?" Cole fires at the trucks, two of which are disabled.

Miss Demeanor return fires at him, knocking his dirt bike over, then drives past him "Nice try, ninja! You almost had me!"

"Cole," Aria runs up to him before stopping and picking up the rock on the ground.

"What's that?" Cole questions

"Vengestone.." Aria replies staring at it.

"Nya, Zane, they're headed your way." Lloyd says into his hood "Cut them off. We'll catch up." Lloyd turns to Aria "Dear could you.."

"Carry your lazy asses," Aria rolls her eyes "yeah sure, just use me as a ride."

"Love you honey," Lloyd smiles

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