Chapter 106: Saving the Idiots

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Aria and Reika raced through Zone 4, the jungle terrain the ninja had previously traveled through for the first key-tana.

"Princess, I don't think they're here," Reika tells her through the headset "We've been here countless times."

"Yeah but it doesn't hurt to double-check," Aria replies "The forest is full of deadly traps and they could've got stuck in one spot."

"Or they could've died already," Reika points out "We're better off heading back to the Ninja."

"How did you get stuck?!"

The girls stop their bikes and take off their helmets.

"Did you hear that?" Aria questions

Reika nods and they get off their bikes to investigate.

"This jungle is worse than Primeval's Eye! You're a trained guard aren't you, get me out!"

"Why don't you cut yourself out mr trained swordsman?! What do you want me to do, punch the vines?! Yeah, that'll get you free."


Aria and Reika part through the jungle to see Hanabusa standing over Zero who was caught in vines. The two boys stop arguing and turn to them.

"Princess!" Hanabusa smiles happily

"You found us," Zero smiles

The girls rush over.

"Have you been here the whole time?" Aria asks as she summons her katana.

"No, this idiot got us lost in a maze before we stumbled into this jungle." Zero replies, pointing to Hanabusa.

"He wanted to go here!" Hanavusa points accusingly to Zero.

"How did you get to the maze without going through the jungle first?" Reika asks confused "The access point starts before the jungle."

The boys shrug in response as Aria cuts Zero out of the vines. Reika helps Zero to his feet as Aria hugs Hanabusa.

"We thought you guys lost all your lives already," Aria says

"We're stupid princess, but not that stupid," Hanabusa chuckles

"I'm not stupid," Zero says annoyedly

"Respectfully, you are Prince Zero," Reika smiles

"'re lucky you're sister's guard," Zero crosses his arms

Reika sticks her tongue out at him as Aria begins walking back to their bikes. The three quickly follow her.

"We gotta get back to the city now," Aria says as she picks up her helmet. "The ninjas are about to race in the speedway."

"Let's get back then," Zero agrees

Aria gets on her bike with Zero behind her. Reika throws her helmet to Hanabusa before getting on hers. Hanabusa smiles before sitting behind her.

"Well saving the idiots was a success," Aria says as they begin racing back.

"Oh come on sis," Zero complains "I'm not an idiot!"

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