3 Siya call the ambulance

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Part :: 3

She open eyes . she helps her to sit up straight .

" Sit straight " . Drink this water .

She drink the water .

" Are you okay " ?

Yeah , I am okay .

Listen this .

She played audio , after hearing she said ::

this is not I have seen in my dream. this is different from my dream .
it's means this time something change . everytime when we do this you say what you you seen in dream but this time you tell different and also you cry .

I got scared what I see you crying .

Erin said ::

It's weird , " how can this possible but " ?

don't think too much about it .

I think your treatment is working now .

Then congratulat me .

Of course , with smile she said .
" Congratulations " .

would you want to come with me tonight? where ? nightclub .

are you serious ? , have you forgot last time when you go there what you have done there ? how hard we got you back home .

There your actions were just like what you see in your dreams .

Stop, stop , it's won't happen this time .

Okay , let's go together .

They all come to nightclub .
Erin's friend ask her ::

" are you okay "?

Yeah, I am okay .

That's good then . Today here is lot of beautiful girls ,

There are many beautiful girls here today, I think I should go to them.

You don't go there at all, because no one is going to like you, you will unnecessarily get beaten up by someone's boyfriend.

" Who can you say like this " ? I am your friend . You are my friend that's why I am saying don't go , sit here and drink this wine . Now You just wet and see . He go . Hey ! .

Erin look at that boy . He is so handsome , and hot . Yeah of course , he is hot and handsome , but he is also a flutter . her friend said :, but i like flutter boys .

" Seriously " ?

yeah, of course because they are so hot . The boy come to her .

Hey ! Hi . You are so beautiful . Thank you . What is your name ?

Erin .

beautiful name , us you . here are many beautiful girls out there but none like you .

( Siya is Erin's friend name )

Siya said to her friend Pihu .

" I think he want to die today " .

Me too .

" will you dance with me "?

" A dance " ? , Okay .

Siya call the ambulance , say to them it's an emergency . What are you talking about , and why are you calling ambulance ?. Very soon you will know . Let's dance .

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