50 He cares about you

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              Now there is no profit of regretting. She was looking at his face . Why are look at my face? If you wanted to eat anything then order it. No, I am full , you eat. While coming back she was looking sad, he see her face and ask her. Why are you so sad? Is anyone say something ? No, nothing , I am ok . Do you really think this kind of excuse can shut up ?, now tell me what happened ? I... I.. . Stop, I know you are thinking about something , so cut the this lines and tell me the matter. I was thinking about Yu .

But why ? Is he did something again? No, not now, but he is going to do. And because of him Yan is worried.  I hate him ,because of him so many peoples are in intention . He has thinking that Yan and his mother has try to kill him but Yan and his mother doesn't have try something like that , he is thinking everything wrong and because of that he is hurting many people's. We have to do something . Ok, but right now you clam down . He trun back . What happened brother ? Nothing, lets go.

He was feeling like somebody is  chasing them, after going a little longer he again trun back and seen a man he behind them. Erin . 'Yeah, . Someone is following us . She  surprise . 'what,? Clam down, look front and keep walking . Let's go and catch him . No, we don't need to do. But why?because your boyfriend Yan have sent people's after you and they also have seen him , they will catch him. How did you know Yan has sent people's after you. It's just a common sense , he knows that no matter what he says you will never listen to him . Hey! I have promise him that I will listen to him .
But, not for this. I know you Erin more than yourself and he also knows you that's why he sent people after you because he doesn't want you to put in any trouble . You mean i am trouble maker ? Now how can I say that front of you . You will feel bad if I said you are. Really, it's means by you mean it that I am a trouble . You give me answer , because of you how many times had go to meet Principal, we both have studying in one school

one university and both of you many times have you gonna to meet Principal . It's because of them not because of me first they messed up with me i have never hurt anyone . Yes, that's true. But you always get catch in trouble. It's not my mistake. Both started fighting with each other's . Shu and Guards come to arrested Yuri . What are you doing here. Your highness have give order to arrested you miss Yuri . Are you out of your mind . We can't do anything in this this is Your highness order, you have to come with us , if you don't come with us we have to take there by our way .

What do you mean by your way? Do what you want to do ,i am not going to come with you guys. Then, we are apologize. What? Two guards come forward, and she started going backward. Stop there, if you take one more step towards me my father will not leave you. Do what you want to do. A guard picked her up and carry her on his shoulder and they will they come out her father was standing front of them and with him have some guards.  What are you doing with my daughter?

Put her down.Shu points him and he put her down . He gets angry and said : How dare you, you touch my daughter, don't you love your life. A guard was holding her tightly. Leave her. Shu said. Sorry, but your highness has also give an order to put you in jail . What, when are you saying? The people's how are with him started coming forward to attack on them Shu takes his sword out of its sheath and point toward them . If you take one more step forgot to stop me and interpret in taking him with him then you will pay the price by giving your life .

Everyone step back. Arrested him. A guard go and making him sett on his knee and lock his hand and take both with them, Shu bring them to the jail and put both of them inside. Shu you are doing things very wrong. You don't know with whom you are missing, for this you will pay the price by giving your life. Do whatever you want, but don't threaten to kill me because I am not afraid of death. Loudly he hits both of his hands on bar .

What do you think you are? Very soon you will lose your life. I have given my life to your highly, my life is his. I really don't care what you do . He trun to to go, he loudly says . Hey ! where are you going ?Shu see Yan was coming towards there so he stop.
Yan come and stand front of them. Have you get any problem to get them over? No, I have not get any problem. Angrily and loudly he ask him. Hey , Yan xing why did bring me and my daughter here . Watch your mouth.

He answer very clamly . I don't thing is there is any need to tell you. Just give me answer, for what you put us in jail, what we have done to you that you put both of us in jail, say it? Keep your voice down . Your highness just give order right now I will cut his head from his body . Clam down Shu there is no need to do that . You , what I am going to answer you just give that question straight answer.  Right now where is Yu ? What ,what are you taking about, I don't know .

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