18 Because, I want to tell you that you are not alone .

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                When Erin going some one hold her right hand and pull her toward the wall and put her left hand on her mouth so that can she can't talk . After seeing him suddenly she is in shock . Because she don't thought he will come front of her like this  .

   Erin removes his hand from mouth. What are you doing here , and why did you do this  ?  I gots so scared  .

Why did you do this  ? I should have to ask you This  question . I looking at you for  days you are avoiding me . why are you doing this  ?  First i thought you are doing that because your personal problem . you will talk to me after that .

But you , whenever where you see me  ran away or haid somewhere . tell me now , why are you doing all this .

I... , I.... , i am avoiding you .

You mean you are not hiding from me you are playing with me Hide and Seek , am I right ?

Erin  .

' Yeah ,  .

What happen ? Why are you giving like this look's ? Come with me .              ' Where , ? I am going with you anywhere , I have something Work do  to . Ok  , as you wish  . 

     He starts carrying her on shoulders  .

What are you doing ? don't talk . are you crazy ? Put me down . He put her on the horse . What are you doing Yan  ? anyone will see us . I don't care . 

He bring her to the beautiful place .
Come . I can get off myself . you don't need to help me .

She starts getting down, he takes her down by holding her waist.

can you please stop getting angry on me .  Why did you bring me here ? Come . Look at me . Yan what are you doing all this ? Set .

i had a friend , when we are little we used to come here . we promise each other , when we like girl we will bring her over and tell her . ( he look at her ) that i like you . i like you very much .

where he right now . he is die . How ? he die while saving me . Ohh ! he is amazing guy . sometimes we don't want some things happen in our life  but that happens . Sometimes time play us .

  Sometimes , our  "Destiny , Fath , Karma ", our life is not easy . we face problems , sometimes we broke down . we feel like everyone is leaving us alone .

But, it is not like that all the time there is someone or the other who always stands behind us .

Why are you saying all the things ? Because, I want to tell you that you are not alone . I am always with you here  .  I will never leave your side.

He hold her right hand .  Why are you looking at me like this ?  you still doesn't get it . That i like you . I like you Erin . I like you very very much .

   you like me . What happen ? , don't you trust me ? It's not like that .

you said , you like me  it can be because i look like a Zing zing  . no, it's has nothing to do with her .

i know her from long time but i never feel her anything . after , got to know you i start likeing  you . i really like you .

' Ok , .

do you like me ?

Yan , " I trust in love  , I believe  true love " excited in this world . But more than that I scared from "Love " . I scared of  love because , the person I love in the end that always leave me alone  . my Mom and i always said to them , i love them very much ,they die  and leave me alone   .

My Brother , after my Mom and Dad for us we both are everything  for each other's , but he also go somewhere . i don't know where he right now , he is ok or not ?

the person i love that always leave me in the end and i suffer from the pain . i  don't want to go from that pain again . Why are you thinking like this ? Don't think that way . You won't understand because you haven't been through that pain .

Erin you don't have to say you love me or you like me . we just have to feel that feeling don't need to express . For me you are important . i promise you , i will not leave your side until my last breath . He make his right hand front  ::   Just hold my hand and i never let you go .

She looked at him and put her hand in
his's . He smile and hug her .

Hey ! I didn't say you can hug me  . Now you are mine , I don't need your permission to hug you . She makes him away  .  how's that , i don't like like this behavior . without my permission you can't touch me . ok , my "Highness " i will remember this from next time . now i want to hug you and no one can stop me from hugging you . he hug her tightly and she smile .

Yan  . Yes , My highness   You have hugged me very tightly . So ? So I am having trouble breathing  . Oh! i'm sorry  . Are you ok ? 'Yes , . Long time ago I have decide that i will bring you here and confess my feelings to you .
You have decide this long time ago ?
' Yeah , . How long . Erin . What ? Don't think anything wrong about me, ok ?

Tell me than . I never feel for her the way I feel for you . You mean by you feel for her another way ? No , no , no you are getting me wrong . What I mean is I never feel for her anyway . Her " Dad "said her life is in " Denver " that's why she is living here . We don't even meet each other , I mean we meet we just talk each other normally , nothing more than that .

The feeling I have for you . What I have with you ,i mean is what we have between us . Now how do I explain to you . You , the feeling I have for you . Until that day when you were in my arms, till that moment, I had never felt such a feeling for anyone else .

             Scared we all scared from different different things some people's Scared Problems , some from God , some from Ghost  We are all scared and that fear scares us even more. We try to run from everything we're afraid of we try to escape from problems , The best way is to escape from problem is  face them . Face them with a beautiful smile  .

Next part will come soon .

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