37 I get what I want .

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        I get what I want . She stand and sit beside him , Don't forget that you have fever . If I got sick who will take care of me ? She hold her right hand and sweetly put her hand and on his left cheek . I will take care of you. How will you do ? You are sick. I will
get better soon  and then take care of you , and after you get will I will  falls sick again and you will take care of me . She was smiling . When I get will again you will falls sick and I will take care of you then . She was smiling and  then .

Stop ,stop! Are both of us going to fall ill for the rest of our lives ?  have any objection . If you are with me I am ready to fall ill for rest my life.  She smile . Your smile is very beautiful . It's make me feel always happy . Oh my gosh ! You have become romantic more then a Movie and Drama actors .Erin  I have never said like this words to anyone , you are the first girl to whom I am saying this .

   Erin look at another side and smile Stop now . It's make me feel weird . Weird . He was looking at her necklace .  What i mean is . Yan . Who gives you this necklace ? What? This
necklace , Who gives you this to you . Oh! My necklace . My brother, my
brother gives me this necklace . Your
brother . Hum! You love your brother very much. Yes, I love him very very much . But I never told him who much I love him nor he told me . Me and he ,we both always fight with each others very much, and also love each other's very much .

We both are twins , but he always   pamper me like a little child . He still pamper me very much . And as you said , I never listen to him . If he said no, you can't go there, you can't do that . I did not listen to him and did that deliberately. I trouble him a lot. A boy used to bully me . Really, I don't think anyone have guest to bully you .
I don't say anything to him and ignore him, my brother saw it and he also did not say anything . When he troubled me again, I beat him and then school principal calls in her room .

We go there my brother was also there . principal tell my brother what I did . He look that boy and then look at me. I thought he would scold me but after hearing it . I was so surprise
, he said well done , you did good , and give that boy  warning to stay away from me . He has never scolde me nor he let  anything scolde me . You both are weird . She hit him on his stomach . Hey ! .


   Are you okay ? He smile . You, she hit him again on his stomach . Erin , now the question I am going to ask you give me answer seriously . Ok.  You was hesitating to ask her . Say it. Why are you hesitating ?,say .Do you wanted to go back to your home , to your brother ? Do you wanted to go back . I don't know , I want to go back or not . I am missing him him but, She gets remain about that boys voice .
I don't know what i want right now . Can I tell you this question answer later ? Ok, you can give me this question answer when you are ready, ok ? Ok .

I think you should  sleep now . Stand up . He hold her right hand and ask : where are you going at this time ? To sleep . No , don't go . Hmm! . I mean it's late do go sleep here with me .i mean , I am ill you should stay me  . If anything happen to me . Don't talk  something like this . Ok ,i won't say,but you have to sleep here. If you want to then you can sleep with me on this bed . Ok , then I will sleep here, just because you are sick .         Of course . The next moment she is placing his bed on the ground . What are you doing ? placing the bed .

But why? What do you want then ? I sleep with you in a one bed? Yes, I have no problem with this, you can
sleep with me in a same bed . She smiles . Why are you smiling ? I am 
serious . we can sleep together on one bed because we have already sleep together .

Hey! what are you talking  ?  i mean to say is, we have already sleep together in this room . don't you have remember? mistakenly when you come into my bathroom , you also have said some actors name . You have told me they are very handsome and i am nothing front of them , so " what do you think now ,about me "?
You talk where much , now stop talking and sleep . Erin , i don't think it's good you to sleep on the floor . Please, Erin . I Promise I won't do anything to you . And if you sleep on floor then how can I sleep spacefully ?I know you won't do anything . I trust on you, But now quite and sleep , you need sleep . Ok , your highness . Good night .

She lies down facing him and with smile said : Good night . And close the eyes and go to sleep . Erin , do you really want to live here for forever, with me ? I know I said you can give me this question answer later ,but I don't , why ?Why I am feeling sad ,not sad but I feeling this is not right, all this what I am doing is wrong .From starting I know that I like you but still I am looking for a way to send you back to your home . But since I have told you about my feelings , what I really feel about you ? ,I am become selfish . The day by the day i am becoming more and more selfish . I am not doing right, all this what I am doing all this is wrong .  He got silent .

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