58 Let's eat then

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           Are you also drunk? No, I am not. You just come. 'Ok, I will be there in 20 minutes. Where are you going at this time ? I have something work to do. She rushed to go. She came there and shock to see both of them. Both was laying on sofa and behaving weirdly . What the hell is this? 'Hi, you came. Now, take care of your boss. I am leaving. He start leaving. She turn to him . But how will I manage alone. He point his indexe figure towards her. You can do it, trust you, take him back.

Where are you going , mean how will you go back? My driver has came to picking me up,you don't work about me , I will go by myself, you please take good care of of my friend ,and your boss send him home safely. This is his car key. I am leaving. 'Okay, She looking at him, he go forward and look back and smile and started going while going he said. You are the best. Lee good luck. She comes near to him and sit besides him . Boss, boss are you okay, boss? Boss, he was fully drunk.

Let me take you home. She try to stand him up. Boss,. She try very much but he doesn't stand up. She sits down. Oh my god! Boss you are really very heavy. She put his right hand on herself neck and hold him by his waisted and started to go but he fully fallen down on her and she fallen down on the sofa and when he fallen down on her mistakenly he got kiss on her neck and she shocked. She don't even move for a while ,and then shakes his body. Boss, woke up, boss. She makes him away on from here.

  She was looking at him and then look at the water of glass. Sorry boss. She pours some water on his face. He looks at her. Erin, you,'what are you doing here,? Your friend call me by your phone. You go back, it's late. Thats why I came came over. You are not in the condition you can drive the car. Stand up boss. He stand up ams put his right hand around her neck and she hold him by his waisted and take his blazer and take him out of the club, while standing on distance someone was looking them.

she was sitting him in the car and somebody's took thems photo , she makes him sit and put a sit belted on him. While she is puting sit belted on
him , again he took thems photo. The was looking at them angrily presses his fist deeply. While going, he said. 'Water,. She gives him water bottle. Boss water. He takes 'Two, sips of water and give it back to her, she took the bottle and put it down and look at him, he has fallen asleep. Both came to his home.

She come out and go and open the door of car and takes of his sit belted and by putting his right hand on neck she took him out of the car and takea him inside the house in his room and put him down on the bed. Boss, I am leaving . She turn and takes some step to go out, suddenly he run towards the bathroom and vomit . Boss, are you okay. She give him water. Why do drugs when you know you can't handle it. She takes him out and put him on the bed and puts a blanket over him .

        She started leaving but he hold her right hand and stop her. Don't leave. She was standing and looking at him. He started feeling cold. Boss, are you feeling cold ? She touch his forehead and check him. He have cold, she rushed and took another blanket and put it on her and then trun of the  "AC ".Boss, I will be back in while. She go out and get the medicine and hot water. Boss, eat this
medicine. She makes him sit straight and give him medicine and then lay him down and put And then keeps the hot water cloth on his head.

All night she stay with him and take care of him, she was also getting sleepy but still she stay woke up and
take care of him. In a rainy night she was going in the car and suddenly his car overturns and he get in the account. And he woke up. His alarm was ringing, he off the alarm. He take shower and get ready and came down in living room and saw his sister is standing front of her. Good morning Lee . Good morning , you are here? Yes, I get know that you are sick so I came over .

I am ok. You had to be okay because she was taking care of you all night.
Where is she? She has already ganna. When did she left. After I came over. Ok, I am going. He takes some steps towards the door. How can you left like this. He turned back and come towards her. What do you mean by that ? his attention go on breakfast. Who made this breakfast? She made it. Let's eat then. She smile. You are really going to do breakfast? Yes, she has put efforts to made the breakfast, and i don't want her efforts get wasted.

You have changed ,I also heard that yesterday you had eaten lunch. Yes, I had. Is this change because of her? Stop asking questions and eat it . She smile. Why are you smile. I am happy for you. I am not understanding anything ,what are you talking ? You will understand soon. I am done, I have to go now. 'Ok,. In his office  under the sofa she was searching for something, he came and stand front of her and said. What are you doing here ? She look up to him. Boss,you.

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