55 She throw drink on her

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           She slapped her hard and get a drink and throw on her dress. Everyone shock to see her doing that, but he smiles a little bit. You, how dare you ? She was going to slap her with her right hand but she hold her right hand with her left hand and slapped again. You, I will not leave you. quiet. You have said very much and I have listen now it's my turn now you have listen. I am listening your nonsense its not mean that you can say anything about me, how dare you you to talk to me that and question on my character ?

Who are you, what is your name ? We have meet each other's first time.  And you are talking about me like this you know everything about me. And who do you think you are,nothing, you are nothing , you are nothing without your family name, the attitude you have showing me right now, it's just because of your father and brother and your family's others people,
Who knows you? Apart from your family name, do you have any identity of your own? nothing without them you are nothing, so stop showing me this attitude, and if you want to show that much attitude then created your own identity and then come to me.

She started leave he hold her right hand. One minute Erin . Say sorry to her. 'But, boss . Not you, you say sorry to Erin . But why, don't you hear what she says to me? I heard , and I also heard what you have said that's why I am saying say sorry to here . 'No, I . Did you hear what I said, say sorry. I am sorry. I didn't hear it . I am so sorry miss. It's ok. While going she was looking out of the car. He look at her.

Are you ok, if you want to cry then you can cry. She trun face to him. Did I did something wrong ? 'No, . Then why should I cry, I have not done anything . And this is my first time to meet her, I don't even know her name. She started it first. I know. Are you angry. No, I am not. You are not? I am talking to you very normally. Yeah, you are right. Again she trun her face to another side, and he smile. You are a good assistant .

She come out of car. Thank you boss for dropping me home . It's okay, you don't need to say thank you . Good night boss . Hum! Let's go. When she was going she felt like somebody is following she stop and trun back to see but no one was behind, start to walk again felt like somebody is following again trun back to see but no one was behind . Clam down Erin and started walking fastly. She was going to open her House's door and someone put his right hand on her shoulder and she gets scared and trun to him .

     Sorry,for scared you . Who are you ? Hi, I am your new neighbor. Oh,neighbor.yes,i am sorry i scared you . No, no it's ok, I am just little tried today that's why. You, are you ok. And he come near , she point left hand towards him and stop. No, I am ok, I am just too sleepy, see you later. And she go inside. And he smile like devil.
He came into his room and go to his table where he do work open a dover and take a photo out the dover, he was looking the photo .

No matter where you are,in which country very soon I will find you. And look at necklace front of him. The necklace design was heart shep but that necklace was half . He come out to go office and took his phone out the pocket of his suit and going to call and she said. Good morning boss. He look at her, she was standing beside to car. He comes near to her and stand front of her. Good morning boss. Good morning. Let's go . He was looking in the iPad. Both come to office he parked the car. Boss, we arrived.

Come out the car and open the door for him. While looking at her said. That's too soon. Your driving is good.
he about to come out the car. one second boss . She comes near him and starts collaring his hand. He starts feeling strange. It's done. He come out of the car and both started going towards the lifted . She took the drink in her right hand as they walked toward his office. While going to sit on his cher he said. Erin .He sit on the cher. Boss this is your favorite drink. Did you search everything about me on google ?

A little. You are smart. You go now. Yes, boss. While worked he looks at her through the glass wall . Erin . I have never heard this name nor I meet her, but why still I am feeling like I have meet her before. He takes the drink in right hand and look at the drink and then her and smile. Erin . When he was working someone come into his office. Hey, you have not ask my permission. He look his face. Do i need to ask your permission now to come into your office ? Yes, rules are rules. Also for me?

Yes, the people's work under the "Han Group" For everyone rules are same.
Do break the rule again if you don't want to get fired. Ok, ok i understand it, I would not do this again. By the way, why did you came here suddenly? Do you want to talk with business, is anything matter? Business man Lee . Please, I am as you, who work 24 hours. I came here become of something else. Look there,she is there. He trun back and look at her, she was working and then he trun to him .

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